I'm actually lying... theres a lot to be said. This year they upped their game and have revamped a lot of features to the game. Presentation is at an all time high... almost to an annoying level sometimes like when your done a play and trying to move on with the game but they decide to show like every player walking off the field and you can't even skip it... Kinda annoying.
Passing game has been revamped with all new buttons to get used to with passing and with catching. Sure they kept the lob and bullet mechanic but added things like touch passes and with LB or LT you can make a pass either high or low intentionally.
The running game feels more fluid than last year and I'm still learning all the moves and subtle nuances involved in getting a good running game going. Will get back when I learn more.
All new cards...
All new players...
The shit's like Pokémon... I gotta catch em all.
Got my team off the ground and running and already up to an 81OVR. Not too shabby but not great either IMO. Not saying I'm an awesome madden player by any means cuz I still make rookie mistakes here and there. (they better get their act together. I bought the $100 version and 1 pack/week is ass cheeks)
I'm not going to rate the game because it's Madden. There really isnt any other game like it... Thanks to clever licensing by EA... sorry 2K sports but no NFL for anyone but them.