Monday, November 16, 2015

New iPhone... Leaving Android

This battle has been waged for a while now and I've been on the android side for most of it. There was a small stint where I had an iPhone but in truth it belonged to my wife and I kind of stole it.

I'll be honest, I went in wanting to hate the phone because from the outside it seemed like Apple had an attitude. They had this air about them that they thought they were better than you. Almost like they turned their nose up at the public and decided to buck the trend and do whatever they felt like and who cared about John Q Public. Hell, one year, we saw the release of 2 separate iPads. Not like a big one and a small one, but two major releases. That's literally a slap in the face of anyone who bought the one from the previous year... or the 2nd release was a slap to anyone who early adopted the iPad from that SAME YEAR! It was banana's... simply put in my opinion. Now, that rant aside and all those facts withstanding, I couldn't hate the phone. As far as being a phone... it worked... and worked well. Sure it wasn't the same size as my galaxy at the time and no I couldn't customize the screen how I wanted but it didn't matter because iOS was very stable. Almost no crashes and there were only certain things that I had to finagle to make work right.

That was roughly 2 or so years ago... Flash forward to 2015 and here we are at the newest version, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. I'd like to say everything changed but it didn't. The hardware has been upgraded and so is the design (coming from a 5 that is) but the software for the most part functions the same. There have been other things added to spruce up the user experience but at its core it looks and acts just like iOS has in the past. Thats not terrible tho because it reminds me of Chevy, "Like a Rock". Its just as solid and the upgrades are very welcomed...

New is the camera... gone from the 8MP shooter thats been on since the iPhone 4 or 4S. Its upgraded to a 12MP sensor that takes pics on 4:3 instead of 16:9 like most of the galaxy's. 4:3 is your typical printed photo dimensions so... It kinda makes sense. They've added a pressure sensitive touch screen labeled Touch 3D and it enables new interactions with shortcuts and links and photos by letting you get a sneak peek at what in the next screen and deciding if you want to open it or continue on where you were. Most of the internals are also upgraded with new chipsets and bigger batteries and also a new metal back housing thats been reinforced to prevent another 'Bendgate' incident.
All things considered, I've loved my LG G4 and will miss it. I've actually given it to my daughter who was tired of her iPhone 6. We swapped and I'm going to use it for a short while til I get up the money to upgrade and then I'll be buying my first iPhone for myself.

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