Saturday, February 4, 2017

Still Alive... And kicking!

So its been a while... That's an understatement I guess. But like always... the more things change the more things stay the same. Time is the only constant... Kids get older and winter breaks come and go... So here's a few things I'm excited about..
Image result for superbowl 2017 logo
-Superbowl! The big game is tomorrow and although I'm not really a fan of either of the teams playing, you can be sure I'll be watching with the family. Personally I really hope that Brady doesn't get another ring. I mean, he's already like the winningest quarterback in football history and has 4 rings already... Does he really need another one? Second, is that Matt Ryan on the Falcon side of the ball is nearly a hometown guy... hes from PA, I'm not sure what area. 
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-NINTENDO SWITCH!!! Holy fuck am I siked about this... So I had a plan for my tax return this year... New TV, gaming laptop and a PS4... Thanks to Nintendo throwing a monkey wrench into my plan looks like it might just be a new TV and the rest is up in the air. If you've been living under a rock with no access to modern media then maybe you haven't heard about it... But if you're living in the real world with the rest of us than you should at least have an inkling of what I'm talking about. I know that at launch there isn't going to be loads of titles but there are some good ones just around the corner and with Zelda a definite for day 1 they can probably hold off the masses to let the games start rolling in. Mario Kart in April and Mario Odyssey later in the year it should get interesting... Not to mention Splatoon 2, 1 2 switch, Arms, Super Bomberman R and Sonic Mania... There are tons of confirmed titles for this new console...

Those are just 2 of the things coming down the pike that I'm looking forward to... Now, if by some miracle I pull off getting a PS4 and a Switch then there are TONS of games coming for the PS4 that look absolutely amazing for 2017.

So until next time... PEACE!

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