Sunday, January 24, 2016

App of the Week!

I'm always checking the app store to see if there are any good deals going on (I'll admit I like downloading apps and games frequently) and this week there was a free game that's usually like $3 bux.

The game is called Lifeline.

The icon for it looks like this

This game seems weird when you start but its got a very strong narrative and the story pulls you in pretty quickly. This game is basically about a person (they leave it abiguous on purpose) who gets stranded by some turn of events on a barren planet/moon with nothing. You basically guide them and give them suggestions in hope they survive...

I'm already in my second play thru... (they died my first time) Hopefully I have more luck this time. We shall see.

If I had to rate this game... 8/10 or 4/5 stars yadda yadda yadda. Basically its pretty good and given the chance you should try it. Even if your not into text based games.

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