Saturday, July 19, 2014


The world cup ended with poor Messi not able to seal the deal after making it all the way to the finals for the Argentina National team. People still see him as the best there is in the game of soccer. I, for one, have never really been a fan of watching the sport but the world cup seems to have given me the FIFA bug.
Lately I've been playing FIFA WORLD beta. It's a free-to-play game from EA. Is kind of like FIFA 14 watered down. But hey... free to play is free to play and who can ignore that... But... I broke down and bought FIFA 14 for my Xbox One. Josh, one of my friends at work has really pushed me into this world of soccer on the console. All I can really say is that is awesome and really addicting. I can't wait for this year's version in September. I know I should've waited but I couldn't anymore.
Hell, I've got it so bad I'm listening to the soundtracks on my phone to and from work on Spotify. I even made a playlist for it. I have to say that these are serious tracks... These soundtracks are legit.

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