Thursday, March 26, 2015

Vacation in progress...

Alright then... some quick updates...

Forza Horizon 2 - Love this game. Wish it came out instead of Forza 5. So much more fun and has such a good flow about it. I think I'm 4 or 5 championships away from being in the Horizon Finale is its being called and I have fallen in love with this open world driving game.

Dragonball Xenoverse - Did not play it during my vacation... Not that its bad but WoW and Forza have been occupying all my free game time.

Hardline - Did get some more time with this playing with my buds. Game is getting better but they have to fix the flaws... the spawn system is HORRID! Its like its completely random but makes sure you're in an enemy line of sight before it spawns you and vice versa. I've been in a couple games where I was camping a spot and in my view it spawns like 3 guys in a row. I mow them all down and wait for more but it just felt wrong. They didn't have a chance.

World of Warcraft - I am trying desperately to get to 100 before this week finishes so I can at least say I've got there but I may not have the time. Granted I've got 2 days to go but I can't just sit in front of the computer all day or at least I'm trying not to.

In other news....

Apparently they will not be renewing his contract and Top Gear for this season is I guess finished. What that means for Richard and James I dunno but it sure wont be the same without them. I can't watch the US version... I just can't. I tried... Tanner is cool and Rutledge is at least funny but that other guy who looks like a shorter Tony Danza is just annoying.

Anime Updates for me...

Your Lie in April - Finished this in both print form and in show form. I'll be honest. I nearly cried at the end, which doesn't really happen with anime. I won't spoil it for those who may read this... not that there's that many but this is probably my favorite show this season.

Cross Ange - This show is about to end. One more to go and it'll all be over. Have to say that I liked it more than I thought I would... The plot got more complicated over time and its got shounen written all over it with how the main enemy is nearly invincible.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Vacation! Well... Sort of

So my work place moved locations in the city and it was our job to move EVERYTHING! This sucked a lot and we worked ridiculous hours last week... 60 for me which is at least 15 above the norm. It royally screwed with my body's normal rhythm and threw me all out of what. But there was a silver lining....

My Vacation! I had it marked off and the day finally came... Hopefully I got all of what I requested which would put me back at work on the 30th of March. Granted its not a REAL vacation but more of a "staycation" but who's going to complain when you get off like 10 days in a row. I don't have any serious plans during this time but hopefully I can catch up on some gaming while the little one is at school and maybe even have the wife get in on the action.

I truly have way too many games to play...
Just came out...
My friend is like lvl 80 already... Fuuuuuck! I'm behind.
Fricking gamefly dropped this at my doorstep... I need more hours in the day!

I didn't even mention GTAV because its just a staple especially with the Heists that are now available... and who could forget MINECRAFT! I tell you... I don't have enough hours in the day to play all these... Plus there's another snag....

I kind of...
I, well, kind of started... Playing... 
/turns away in shame

I told myself no more... and I don't know how I got pulled back in but it happened. There's no turning back now... I'm just in again. Not that I'm running raids and whatnot or plan to lose 40+ hours of my life each week to it but I'm playing again. Feels really weird. I originally was just going to be letting my wife use my account so she could play with our daughter because she got it for christmas but we ended up reactivating mine and my wife's account and we're now all playing again... /sigh

Saturday, March 14, 2015

More on Top Gear...

So it seems that Jeremy has gone and gotten himself suspended by the BBC. So sadly there will be no episode this week... the fans get screwed. Reports are kind of all over the place...

As Jeremy himself would put it...

Some say... That he got into a physical altercation with one of the producers or that he'd been warned about racial remarks... 

Regardless of what actually happened... They can't just cancel the show. It is literally one of their largest cash cows and watched by some over 350 million people world wide. This would just suck as a place to live without Top Gear to look forward to...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Top Gear

We're BACK!!!

Usually what Jeremy says when the season opens... however they are most of the way through the season now and I am gonna be sad to see it end. I think I'm always sad to see it end because, aside from games and anime, cars are one of the things I love the most.

This weeks episode involved a new and old jag... Richard test driving the new MX-5 Miata and of course Captain Slow racing in Rally Cross. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I fell off?

Fell off the face of the earth didn't I? Or did I? Seems like life is just moving too fast for me to spend the kind of time I'd like to spend on this little blog 'O mine. I was for a time watching everyday and making posts about the things I was watching. Make no mistake, I am still watching. I just don't have to time to post about it as much as I used to.

Currently still enjoying...

Your Lie in April - This is one of the most emotional shows. You really feel for the characters and the bonds they create with each other.
Saekano - This show is also an semi-emotional roller coaster. The MC is an otaku who loves Galge or 'Dating Sim' games and wants to create one. Sadly he's too dense to see that the girls lending him a hand are already in love with him... the Dunce.
Aldnoah.Zero - This show is picking up from where the first season cliff hanger left off... and honestly I'm just as confused about where this show is headed as I was about how the first season left off. Good animation and decent action... Just I think it takes itself too serious.
Cross Ange - Intersting story and its going for the long haul... probably 25-26 episodes as its already up to 20 and I think I can see where the ending is heading. You kind of need to read the synopsis on this one as its a lil complicated. I'm not taking a stab at one.
Maria the Virgin Witch - Cute little story about a witch who's selfish and hates wars... gets scolded by god and is falling in love. Fun little story and worth some time.

There is more but I dont know what else to write at the moment...