Friday, March 20, 2015

Vacation! Well... Sort of

So my work place moved locations in the city and it was our job to move EVERYTHING! This sucked a lot and we worked ridiculous hours last week... 60 for me which is at least 15 above the norm. It royally screwed with my body's normal rhythm and threw me all out of what. But there was a silver lining....

My Vacation! I had it marked off and the day finally came... Hopefully I got all of what I requested which would put me back at work on the 30th of March. Granted its not a REAL vacation but more of a "staycation" but who's going to complain when you get off like 10 days in a row. I don't have any serious plans during this time but hopefully I can catch up on some gaming while the little one is at school and maybe even have the wife get in on the action.

I truly have way too many games to play...
Just came out...
My friend is like lvl 80 already... Fuuuuuck! I'm behind.
Fricking gamefly dropped this at my doorstep... I need more hours in the day!

I didn't even mention GTAV because its just a staple especially with the Heists that are now available... and who could forget MINECRAFT! I tell you... I don't have enough hours in the day to play all these... Plus there's another snag....

I kind of...
I, well, kind of started... Playing... 
/turns away in shame

I told myself no more... and I don't know how I got pulled back in but it happened. There's no turning back now... I'm just in again. Not that I'm running raids and whatnot or plan to lose 40+ hours of my life each week to it but I'm playing again. Feels really weird. I originally was just going to be letting my wife use my account so she could play with our daughter because she got it for christmas but we ended up reactivating mine and my wife's account and we're now all playing again... /sigh

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