Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I fell off?

Fell off the face of the earth didn't I? Or did I? Seems like life is just moving too fast for me to spend the kind of time I'd like to spend on this little blog 'O mine. I was for a time watching everyday and making posts about the things I was watching. Make no mistake, I am still watching. I just don't have to time to post about it as much as I used to.

Currently still enjoying...

Your Lie in April - This is one of the most emotional shows. You really feel for the characters and the bonds they create with each other.
Saekano - This show is also an semi-emotional roller coaster. The MC is an otaku who loves Galge or 'Dating Sim' games and wants to create one. Sadly he's too dense to see that the girls lending him a hand are already in love with him... the Dunce.
Aldnoah.Zero - This show is picking up from where the first season cliff hanger left off... and honestly I'm just as confused about where this show is headed as I was about how the first season left off. Good animation and decent action... Just I think it takes itself too serious.
Cross Ange - Intersting story and its going for the long haul... probably 25-26 episodes as its already up to 20 and I think I can see where the ending is heading. You kind of need to read the synopsis on this one as its a lil complicated. I'm not taking a stab at one.
Maria the Virgin Witch - Cute little story about a witch who's selfish and hates wars... gets scolded by god and is falling in love. Fun little story and worth some time.

There is more but I dont know what else to write at the moment...

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