Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halo 5 is HERE!

So its live now and I've had a chance to spend about 2 hours with the multiplayer...

The new mode... Warzone

It feels a bit like Battlefield with added objectives. Theres more of a sense of urgency with the new mode as you need to cap all 3 points to enable attacking your opponents core but thats not the only way to win. Its more or less the first team to 1000 points is the winner and the NPC bosses that spawn can have upwards of 150 points just for the one unit. Sometimes Hunters spawn that are worth a good deal but killing is usually the main way to earn the points. Capping objectives is also a good way. Expect to hear more as I hope to crack into the campaign at some point and give that a good go. I can see myself losing many hours in the coming weeks to this game which is going to be hard considering I've got a new baby at home as well as 3 others vying for attention when im not plunking away at work.

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