Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront Open Beta

Over the weekend that just passed, EA unleashed the beta for its upcoming shooter, Star Wars Battlefront. I had the distinct pleasure of playing it both by myself and with a couple buddies.
Firstly, this is was a very polished Beta. Frame rates were pretty smooth and the controls were just about on point. Not a whole lot of input lag like I found in the Rainbow Six Siege beta a few weeks earlier. There were only 2 playable game modes. One was Dropzone, which is an objective based domination type of game. Only 8 on 8 but the maps werent that big in size that it wasnt hard to get around. The second type was Walker Assault. It was almost like conquest except that you had to activate beacons and hold them to let the bombers do their worst on the huge AT-ATs that were such a menace on Hoth.

There were also only 5 levels to gain to hit max. That let you buy all the extras for the unique equipment system. Instead of 'loadouts' you get a 'hand'. It basically consists of 3 pieces that you can change and that have different abilities or effects. I didnt play enough to earn the credits to purchase all the lvl 5 stuff like the jetpack and the other rifle but what I did play, I liked. There is a very good chance that I'll be purchasing this game but I'm not sure its going to be able to tear me away from the likes of Madden '16 and Destiny... Both of which occupy the largest portion of gaming that takes place on my box.

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