Sunday, July 19, 2015

Found on Netflix: Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled from Paradise

Movie time...
Found this just browsing the suggested anime section on Netflix and decided to give it a whirl. Immediately it started off great. The animation reminded me a lot of Sidonia in that it looks 95% CGI. I don't mind that and it keeps things uniform where as hand drawn can have some inconsistencies sometimes.

Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled from Paradise

Story is of far in the future where like 95% of Earth's population have been 'digitized' and now live in DEVA. DEVA is a computer system that hold endless possibilities for the citizens who live there. There is a very seedy underside to it but we'll get to that later.

The opening beach scene has our heroine lounging on the beach clad in a bikini. Almost immediately there is a breach in DEVA security and a PSA'esque message playing about space travel and humanity's chance to explore. Our MC hops up and employs a digital access terminal to trace and stop the hack. The origin of the hack appears to have come from the surface... Looks like Angelina is going to have to go out into the 'Real World' to stop this menace. It just snowballs from there hopping from one back alley contact to the next shady dealer looking for leads to catch 'Frontier Setter', our antagonist.

Without giving away the story, its a wild ride with a nice twist and it really shows that even if we evolve we never really let people be truly free. DEVA comes with a price and one you probably wouldn't know about or think about until its too late.

Overall Rating: 8/10

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