Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sword Art Online 2 Episode 9 and 10

I love SAO... The best anime IMO and this season 2 thing they got going on here is just about as good as the first was. Maybe there will be even more coming... we have to wait and see... On with the episode!

So it ended on a cliffhanger last week with Death Gun finally showing up... Show picks up right there and keeps on moving. They have a little face to face with Death Gun and he vanishes. Ep 9 ends with Sinon now staring down his barrel... Things look grim.

Episode 10 starts and in just the nick of time Kirito manages to save Sinon from being shot and takes off running... Sinon, who IRL has a problem with guns due to a trauma from 5 years ago, now starts to have the same problem in game... shes freezing up and is so scared she cant even pull the trigger. Death Gun gives chase and they manage to elude him to a desert area and hid in a cave. Sinon has a breakdown and it appears that Kirito now has someone else to protect... Isnt he noble?

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