Monday, March 31, 2014

The Start of Something New

With the winter season over... It's time to look ahead. I don't know how you find out whats going to be airing but i found this nice little site called I think I've visited this website alot recently as I've been prepping for the Spring Season of Anime on Tv!.

Heres what I've come up with... Your results may vary.. we all probably like different genre's I'm sure. I have an affinity for most things comedy. I'm a sucker for a good RomCom and every now and then get drawn in by some Fantasy or Slice of Life. When the mix... Hell, we all WIN! So, I'm going to list a couple I'm excited about and maybe you will be too..

Baby Steps - I typically stay away from sports but i was reading this a while back and i kind of liked it.

Blade and Soul - So, been watching the trailers for the game and I'm hooked. Wanna see how this plays out... plus, the art looks FUCKING AWESOME.

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Not much info on this.. but like i said, I'm a sucker for RomCom. I'll check it out and see how it goes.. Then give a report.

Date A Live II - I mentioned this a while back. Big fan of season 1, high hopes for season 2.

Fairy Tail - This is apparently a reboot. I actually started watching the original not knowing this was coming. Not mad that i did, and not sure if I'll switch to this instead... having to watch 175 episodes is a tad cumbersome... We'll have to see how this develops.

Is the order a rabbit? - Not much info about this... but its a comedy. I need to see what kind of comedy this is... Because if this is only what its rated as... the slapstick better be heavy!

Gokukoku no Brynhildr - I was reading this a few months ago and its an amazing story. I can only hope this lil Sci-Fi lives up to the Drama and Mystery laid out in the manga.

Monogatari Series: Second Season +a - Ok ok, i've been slacking on this. Monogatari is an AWESOME series and if you dont think so.. GO BACK AND WATCH IT AGAIN!... No, slacking... DO IT! I need to rewatch the Bakemonogatari so i can get my bearings back on this and then watch the one that just finished.

Hitsugi no Chaika - RomCom... NEXT

Isshuukan Friends. - RomCom... NEX.. actually, I read some of this and the premise is pretty good. Wasn't alot of chapters available and I have been neglecting the pile of manga on my phone for some time now. Hopefully the story gets farther than the manga i read up to.

Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara - I know nothing of this show except the synopsis and the genre's listed. Rom/Com/Harem and male MC. I'm IN! Plus it kinda sounds a lil like NouCome.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - This is one of the shows im most excited about. Just a lot of buzz around it. I've read some of the manga.. The premise looks awesome. RomCom with Sci-Fi and Magic? Whats not to like?

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to - This show may end up my guilty pleasure... Just like Maken-ki! Two was. Everyone needs a lil Ecchi in their lives. C'mon, live a lil.

No Game No Life - Games, NEETS, Comedy, Ecchi and Adventure... Going to keep an eye on this one. The Synopsis lays out a decent premise but i need to see it in action to get a real feel for how this will play out. 

Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin - The art literally drew me in... Very nicely drawn pictures ^_^. Hopefully the comedy and the romance keep me. 

Seikoku no Dragonar - Read a good bit of the manga on this one and if they can nail the content and keep up the art quality... hopefully the animation is tight too... this could be a really good show. It has that 'star' potential.

/wipes sweat from head...

Glad thats over... But sheesh, I THOUGHT I was going to get a break... but seriously. SERIOUSLY? 16 new shows? I was almost positive it was going to be a light season. Oh well... technically thats still 10 less than i was watching last season. When they all get under way we will see what cream rises to the top. I can't wait.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The End of an Era

Well... Here we are... at the end of the Winter Season and it feels like everything is ending. Seriously tho, everything really is ending...

  • Hajime no Ippo
  • Strike the Blood
  • Buddy Complex
  • Magical Warfare
  • Nagi no Asukara
  • Chuunibyou Season 2
  • No-Rin
  • Maken-ki! Two
  • Silver Spoon Season 2
  • Golden Time
  • Tokyo Ravens
  • The Pilot's Love Story
  • Engaged to the Unidentified
  • D-Frag
  • Witch Craft Works
  • Log Horizon
  • Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga.
All of these either ended or have one episode left... Oh and dont let me forget Kill La Kill... THAT SHIT WAS AWESOME!!! I was so happy at how that ended that it almost didnt matter that it was over. I don't know if there is plans to continue in a second season... or even where that storyline would go. As much as I'm sad to see them all end, I do feel kind of relieved. I wont have to worry about keeping up with 26 shows anymore. I'm actually still in the process of cleaning up some series that i started and neglected. I'm just finished Magical Warfare (they need to go a S2 on this cuz the way it ended was whack), I'm about half way through SYD* and Zvezda Plot and i really hope i can switch gears back into liking Hamatora, Noragami and Wizard Barristers.

Sayonara Winter Season 2013-2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Nisekoi 11

Heh.. just realized it's been a while since i did a straight up ep recap. Lil' rusty but here we go...

Hopefully you've been watching this show. Not only is it one of the funniest shows, but it actually hits on a lot of really good points for Shounen type anime. 

This ep in particular had really good plot development with the 3 main characters... Chitoge, Raku and Kosaki.. (thats Kirisaki, Ichijo, and Onodera if you're not on a first name basis with these characters yet... GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!)...

Megumi asks the gang to join her at Chitoge's house for a surprise birthday party... Ruri-chan suggests that Raku and Kosaki go together to pick out a present, but they have to meet up in front of the cafe @5 and only after they've changed into street clothes... Cue the forced date music. Afterwards She takes him to her special place which he promises he wont tell a soul
where it is... He also asks her bluntly, if she's the girl he made the promise with 10 years ago... She fumbles her answer but more or less says "yes, she thinks so, but hoped that he was"... Hidden confession anyone? Mood is killed by a call from an angry Megumi. 

At the party they have a good time and Raku gives her a god aweful abomination as a gift... Its like a monkey with blonde hair and a ribbon like hers.. She acts like she likes it to keep up appearances. Chitoge finds Raku on the balcony catching a breather and in their exchange more or less confirms that she is also the girl from his childhood with whom he has a promise with by reciting the phrase that goes with the promise... "Zawsze in love..." And it ends on that bombshell... Shit feels like and episode of Top Gear! Leaves me feeling like... WHAAAT!? I knew it was coming, but i didn't know they'd do it in the same episode.

Wrapping it up... Great up, great series... Glad I've got another 9 episode... Wonder what greatness those new eps with bring with 'em.

Trivia and some New Anime...

Anyone heard of the app QuizUp? So my daughter kinda mentioned it to me and i looked into it. Seems legit... and actually kind of fun. That is, if you enjoy trivia games at all. 

Game pits you and either a stranger from around the world of you can choose one of your friends from like Facebook. That's what I've been doing, just challenging my Facebook friends to random ass trivia that i know and hopefully they don't. One of those categories is Anime... I thought I'd do well in this... But, man are there questions pertaining to anime i haven't even seen and I'm just shooting in the dark on all those questions. So in order to broaden my horizon I'm going to try and watch some of those that they ask about. 
This is one of them... Fairy Tail. At first glance it looks kind of childish... And after watching an ep or 2... It's better than i thought. Only problem is... It's 175 episodes. Thats nothing short of terrifying for me right now... Even though im about to lose Kill La Kill, Golden Time, Log Horizon and a few others... We all know I'll probably get hooked on another show that starts in the beginning of April AANNND.... I was reading theres another series coming out for Fairy Tail. So, Ill trek along and see how many eps i can squeeze under my belt until this new show comes... Maybe they condensed it, we shall see. 

This show also... apparently its really good... but I'll be the judge of that. I just hope its not crap... I like a good mystery and its got the 'Thriller' tag so hopefully its exciting. Only time well tell about this.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

State of Affairs!

So right now... I shouldnt be typing this, but playing Titanfall. I'm not however due to Gamestop being complete Douchebags. My wife pre-ordered the game for me... I think I might have mentioned it before, and I was expecting the game to be happily delivered to me on launch day. FAT CHANCE! The stupid tracking information on the order woudn't even populate til like 2 days ago and it said, finally, that my game would be here on Saturday, March 15th. I was ecstatic to say the least, cuz all my friends had already gotten theirs. 

We're here now... Saturday, March 15th and still no game. I checked early this morning and it was supposedly out for delivery... I checked periodically throughout the day and it still said it was out for delivery to its destination. BULLSHIT! As of this evening, roughly 7:30~8pm its now scheduled to be delivered on Monday the 17th. Jesus god I was livid. Never in my life would I have imagined it would be this botched. So, never in my life will I be ordering a game online from Gamestop, cuz their online processing sucks balls. 

In other gaming news... Still catching Pokémon... Bought X, now i have both and gotten all the starters. All thats left is clearing the rest of the gyms and then the elite four.


On another topic... Anime... Are you keeping up?

I thought I was but man I've ended up neglecting some series, even though I like them. Z/X Ignition is falling behind for me and even Tokyo Ravens and Zvezda have more then 1 or 2 episodes I've yet to see.

I have been watching the important ones though...

  • Nisekoi
  • No-Rin (Nourin)
  • Strike the Blood
  • D-Frag
  • Nagi no Asukara
  • Buddy Complex
  • Chuunibyou S2
  • Silver Spoon S2
  • Hajime no Ippo: Rising'
  • Engaged to the Unidentified
And of course Kill La Kill and Golden Time. I think both of them are about to come to a close too. I'll be sad to see them go because they were very good.

I still haven't had much time to check out whats coming next season... Hopefully it's something good. I think the only one I know of is Date A Live II which was good enough to get me to watch season 2. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Gotta Catch 'Em All

So one of the other things i picked up for myself this tax season was a Nintendo 3DS, The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition,
with Pokémon Y. I also bought a copy of Pokémon X for my eldest daughter so we can play together. I fully understand this is a guilty pleasure but to hell with that. I used to play these when i was a kid and its cool to see it now and compare how much they've changed as a whole. So many new things to do, new ways to get around and new interfaces to be used. Its genuinely fun. Ive already caught a bunch and i hope to get a whole lot more. I started my trial for the Poké Bank app from eShop store on the 3DS because from what I've seen there are NOT enough boxes to house all the pokémon in the game. I like catching them all and filling my boxes with pok
émon i will probably never train cuz its fun.
Fennekin - My Starter

I was somewhere, i can't remember what route it was but there was a pokémon i was in need of catching and it did not wanna be caught. That lil' shit cost me 2 great balls and like 4 regular pokéballs. I was pissed, but felt satisfied when it finally gave up and just obeyed the pokéball. This seems to be the biggest launch of these types of games that they've had.

Hell, even my daughter is getting into it, playing the game and watching the cartoon show. My son, he's only 3 by the way, is totally in love with Pokémon now. I used to watch a lil when i was kid so i got really nostalgic about it and ended up downloading the first 4 series so we could watch them. JESUS!! that shit is taking up 36GB of space... Didn't know it would end up that way. 

Nisekoi 8

Alive and kicking... Just got done another BF4 session with one of my close friends. Thought I should watch this... I downloaded it earlier. 

I forgot how hard Tsugumi fell for Raku... Shes got it bad and has no idea what to do with it. Seems like hes not a bad guy tho, even gave her a piggyback all the way home when they went out shopping. She got some kind of blister on her feet from walking in the heels that she never wears. 

The ep closes with Chitoge kind of remembering her first love. Boils down to the love triangle with Onodera. We shall see in weeks to come.