Monday, March 24, 2014

Trivia and some New Anime...

Anyone heard of the app QuizUp? So my daughter kinda mentioned it to me and i looked into it. Seems legit... and actually kind of fun. That is, if you enjoy trivia games at all. 

Game pits you and either a stranger from around the world of you can choose one of your friends from like Facebook. That's what I've been doing, just challenging my Facebook friends to random ass trivia that i know and hopefully they don't. One of those categories is Anime... I thought I'd do well in this... But, man are there questions pertaining to anime i haven't even seen and I'm just shooting in the dark on all those questions. So in order to broaden my horizon I'm going to try and watch some of those that they ask about. 
This is one of them... Fairy Tail. At first glance it looks kind of childish... And after watching an ep or 2... It's better than i thought. Only problem is... It's 175 episodes. Thats nothing short of terrifying for me right now... Even though im about to lose Kill La Kill, Golden Time, Log Horizon and a few others... We all know I'll probably get hooked on another show that starts in the beginning of April AANNND.... I was reading theres another series coming out for Fairy Tail. So, Ill trek along and see how many eps i can squeeze under my belt until this new show comes... Maybe they condensed it, we shall see. 

This show also... apparently its really good... but I'll be the judge of that. I just hope its not crap... I like a good mystery and its got the 'Thriller' tag so hopefully its exciting. Only time well tell about this.

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