Monday, March 24, 2014

Nisekoi 11

Heh.. just realized it's been a while since i did a straight up ep recap. Lil' rusty but here we go...

Hopefully you've been watching this show. Not only is it one of the funniest shows, but it actually hits on a lot of really good points for Shounen type anime. 

This ep in particular had really good plot development with the 3 main characters... Chitoge, Raku and Kosaki.. (thats Kirisaki, Ichijo, and Onodera if you're not on a first name basis with these characters yet... GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!)...

Megumi asks the gang to join her at Chitoge's house for a surprise birthday party... Ruri-chan suggests that Raku and Kosaki go together to pick out a present, but they have to meet up in front of the cafe @5 and only after they've changed into street clothes... Cue the forced date music. Afterwards She takes him to her special place which he promises he wont tell a soul
where it is... He also asks her bluntly, if she's the girl he made the promise with 10 years ago... She fumbles her answer but more or less says "yes, she thinks so, but hoped that he was"... Hidden confession anyone? Mood is killed by a call from an angry Megumi. 

At the party they have a good time and Raku gives her a god aweful abomination as a gift... Its like a monkey with blonde hair and a ribbon like hers.. She acts like she likes it to keep up appearances. Chitoge finds Raku on the balcony catching a breather and in their exchange more or less confirms that she is also the girl from his childhood with whom he has a promise with by reciting the phrase that goes with the promise... "Zawsze in love..." And it ends on that bombshell... Shit feels like and episode of Top Gear! Leaves me feeling like... WHAAAT!? I knew it was coming, but i didn't know they'd do it in the same episode.

Wrapping it up... Great up, great series... Glad I've got another 9 episode... Wonder what greatness those new eps with bring with 'em.

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