Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Have you been keeping up with this one? Things are coming to a head right now with them having introduced the 3rd girl, Tachibana Marika. She has solid
proof that she was there ten years ago in the form of a picture and she also has a key...

Thats right, Raku was a pimp ten years ago but a total chicken shit now. All three girls now know about each other as well as the fact that they all have a key. Luckily they are smart and suggested to find out who's key actually works but have to wait till the locket comes back from being fixed. This show is so good... I really hope they renew it for a second season because there is so much great content in the manga that really does deserve the light of day. Well, it deserves to be animated. 

I envy him with his situation but at the same time it would be really hard to have to choose which girl to take and the other two end up hurt but i guess so is the way with every harem that has to make a choice. The question is, will he ever do it? Most harems the MC is too fickle to actually pick and has no resolve so it just stays screwed up.

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