Monday, May 26, 2014

Nisekoi ep 20 - The End

Sadly everything that has an beginning also has and end. Reading the manga I knew it was coming but I wasn't sure how and at what part they were going to do it. It was surprising true to the manga for the most part which is pretty awesome on its own.... That is before it turns into filler.

It's Showtime... That's the name of the ep and as it implies the show must go on. Kosaki out and Chitoge in at Juliet for the play and looks like they're gonna just wing it. Haha, fun to be had for sure... Especially with Shu up in the main booth narrating and ad-libbing all kinds of sub plots to make it more interesting. 

Of course Claude has to show up and cause a ruckus and seems like Marika has a last ditch as well.. All in all, the comedy of this ep is spot on and doesn't over do it. We also get some self realization from Chitoge who finally admits to herself that shes head over heels in love with Raku. We all seen it for a while, but shes thick headed... she even says it out loud, albeit to Raku's Romeo character, but that's just pretense. Shes telling Raku that she loves him and we all know it. 

I wonder where this show will go from here... I didn't see any kind of announcement about a season 2 or anything, but god knows there's enough material... Just where would it go and would it accomplish something the manga hasn't for quite some time... PROGRESS! I'd love to see the triangle continue but bring in some closure... Its been 120+ chapters now and he's retarded around anyone but Chitoge... He turns to absolute useless mush for Kosaki and he doesn't even see Tsugumi as a woman it seems. He's just too thick headed.

All we can hope for is a "To be continued..."

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