Thursday, May 15, 2014

No Game No Life ep 6

This show just can't stop being awesome. Getting more and more into this every week.. i can already see myself reeling when it ends... Please god let me find out there's a half way decent manga behind this.

So the battle with the Flugel is a go and its epic... They're playing Shiritori, but a special kind, Materialization Shiritori... The things you say appear and disappear. How does Sora start the game?...

BOOM! Shit is funny... They go back and forth as you might expect with the outcome being clear before it even started. [Blank] just doesn't lose when it comes to games. So in accordance with the pledges... Jibril (thats the Flugel's name) now belongs to Shiro and Sora. Haha, on a side note, during the game... they actually KILLED Steph. 

Now that it's over... and im sad it is as you could expect... Gonna go watch "If Her Flag Breaks" and probably "Hitsugi no Chaika".

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