Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Black Bullet ep 6

This new Arc is really heating up... Tina and Rentaro meet up again and seem to be getting along well... Tina gets a new target and ends up running into Rentaro as he tries to save his boss, and love interest as it seems.

Shocked to find him an enemy and not an ally, Tina flees the scene. She takes another run at the head of state and fails... but Enju decides to go after her alone. Last minute clilffhanger has Rentaro calling Enju to return and regroup... but Tina has her phone. What happened to Enju? Is she dead?


>Enju can't die, of that I'm sure but she can be badly hurt. So I'm eagerly awaiting next weeks episode now to see how things turn out. 

>Typical setup has Rentaro dishing out the killing blow on little Tina. Has more of a dramatic effect if you consider that he thinks of her as a friend right now and not an enemy. 

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