Thursday, May 1, 2014

No Game No Life 4

Enjoying this show more and more...

So the end of the game... and of course they win. They had to for the story to progress but still, they won in a weird manner. Like the enemy king just died or something. Odd as it is, mission accomplished right?


At the coronation they are told that they can't both be King and they decide to fight to see who wins the prize. Sora and Shiro however cannot beat eachother and its like forced to a tie. They realize however that no where does it say there cant be 2 Kings. Now they're Co-Kings more or less. 

Their coronation speech is pretty inspiring while condescending at the same time... Like we're weak so we're smart... Lets win! Fun stuff. I can't wait for the rest of the series... The goal changed to Conquer the World i believe so its going to get more interesting from here on out.

They also got to meet God again... turns out he pulled them there because he hates to lose and Shiro beat him god in chess. Funny how that goes.

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