Sunday, June 8, 2014

And for some non anime info...

I mentioned at the outset that this wasn't going to be all anime all the time. There would be some other interests like Manga, TV, Movies and of course Games. 

What I wanna talk about now is...
This game... it almost feels like I need to post a 'Dat Ass' meme picture to describe it. First off, I don't own a Wii-U at the moment, although I see one in my near future and I am absolutely positive I will be purchasing this game to go with it. Not in recent year has a game been so much fun for the whole family. My best friend brought over his Wii-U and we were all sitting around playing 4 players the whole time... Laughing, joking... I have to get one and if you have a Wii-U and don't have this game then get on the ball.

Also be on the lookout for..

Something else I'd like to ask about is another game that just released...
I stopped playing MMOs last year when I cancelled my World of Warcraft subscription. I had been playing that for nearly 7 years and poured alot of my time into that game. I have like 8 lvl 85 toons and a lvl 90 before i stopped playing... Mind you... if you know anything about WoW then you'd know that lvl 90 is the top lvl you can get and 85 was the top from Cataclysm. I didnt level any of my toons except for the one I made with Pandaria. A pandaren monk that I took all the way from lvl 1 to 90 when the expansion hit. A lot of work... and very monotonous.

So, have you played any of it? Beta or Live? (it launched the other day) And how do you like it?

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