Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Black Bullet 10

I've been watching this faithfully and its really a good show. There are some crazy things tho that happen in it that might not sit well with some people... Like, the treatment of children. Now, I know they're "Cursed Children" and all.. and supposed to be a threat to humanity because they have the Gastrea inside them... but the things they do to kids in these episodes is nuts. 

Latest dastardly deed... Blowing up a school. Rentaro and Kisara are acting teachers in one of the outskirt schools for the Cursed Children. They seem like good kids, genuine and fun but just not blessed with being normal. So what do the Anti-Cursed Children extremists do? Use a Varanium laced bomb to kill all the kids. Its nuts... Fuel for the fire I guess, because Rentaro is all about vindication and I think hes going to get justice for those kids... I mean, just the day before when they were in class he had them fill out one of those 'What I wanna be when i grow up' kind of surveys. The act really hits when he's identified the bodies of the girls and goes to sulk on the roof. He takes out the surveys only to let them be blown away by the wind. Just sad...

Bad part is... the Monolith comes down at the end of the episode AND its a day early. Now the next ep will be a rush to defend against the swarm I'm sure. Can't wait to see what happens next week.

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