Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2 More Series Kick the Bucket

I did mention there were others that were ending didn't I?

Blade Dance of the Elementalers: B
Finally finished Blade Dance of the Elementalers. This was a pretty cool show but overall almost run of the mill harem anime. I did a lil more checking and apparently this show barely scratches the surface of the material its based on. There are a bunch of Light Novels and its supposed to get better and better... I wonder if they'll approve a second season and keep it moving. I wouldn't mind watching some more. Basically some girls can make a contract with a spirit and use them to fight. The story centers around the only guy who can do it being pulled into a school to participate in the blade dance and everything that comes along the way.

The second show I wrapped up was... 
Tokyo ESP: A
This show came in under the radar for me... Didn't really know what to expect but gave it a shot. Was a pretty good premise about people getting super natural powers from golden flying fish. Sounds.. fishy? It actually turned out pretty good. MC ends up being female but not a problem. She comes through and delivers a good performance. Supporting cast was great... Hell, they even had a cameo of Leonidas from 300 as one of the characters. It was hilarious to say the least... This show is well worth the watch.

I don't remember off the top of my head if thats all thats going to be ending but if there are more I'll be sure to post up what they are and what I thought. 


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Invaders of the Rokujyouma!? El Fin!

I was falling behind on this show and decided that since the last episode aired on Crunchroll i was gonna just juggernaut it through this morning...

I was on like episode 9 and just finished them all in one go. Episodes 10 and 11 actually centered around Kiriha, the Earth Empire girl who was suposed to be invading from underground. Revealed alot of her back story and more or less the reason why she wanted even invade in the first place.

Turns out 10 years ago she got into a fight with her dad and ran away from home to the surface. She met a boy on the surface and went to an amusement park with him. Was the best day of her life more or less and he was her first and only love... Not really sure but it would just be fate that it might be Koutarou who was that little boy but we may never know as the show ends before we find out. She takes Koutarou to the same park and during their pseudo date the Earth people invade. Massive fight ensues and the group from apartment 106 band together to defeat the earth invaders...

Final episode was cookie cutter to a point... He thinks of having a surprise christmas party for the gang and they end up tricking him and having the surprise party at the apartment. Walking Sakuraba senpai home it is revealed that she is actually the princess in Theia's story and Koutarou is in fact the Blue Knight of the legend. Thats kind of how it ends... not a terrible ending but a small curve in a rather predictable ending. I liked the show overall and wasnt looking for anything serious, just light hearted and fun and it delivered with some small comedic tones to boot.

Invaders of the Rokujyouma: B+

Monday, September 22, 2014

So It's Been 9 Days... Alot Happened?

Its been a while I guess since I've posted. Being on vacation... well, a stay-cation more like it I was totally unmotivated to post or do just about anything other than sit around and play Madden 15. It's my first Madden in like 3 years and I have to say, Ultimate Team is pretty fun but nerve racking at the same time. I've kind of come to a conclusion that I'm also not very good at the game as well... I can knock out the computer pretty well, but cant seem to win any games online. I'm exaggerating, I've won like 7 games but im like 7 wins and like 15 losses... Its a terrible record. But on to more pressing things....


Thats right... there is a bunch of anime that is wrapping up their season and calling it a day... Maybe season 2 will be in the cards for some, but definitely not all... So on with the RATINGS!!

(only rating shows that are ending... that I watched)

Rail Wars: B+
Guilty pleasure and good dose of comedy, nuanced romance and action. Light hearted with no serious plot.

Aldnoah.Zero: A-
Ok, this show was a solid A and nearly A+ until the last episode. I'm not going to spoil it if you haven't seen it but it literally changed everything in the end... Left me with a clear WTF moment.

Note: Season 2 announced for this

Captain Earth: B+
This was a 2 season stretch over 25 episodes and it was decently paced throughout. Character development was pretty good... Not enough back story IMO but that is fine. Plot twist @ the end was nice change of pace as they were starting to rinse and repeat the enemy encounters.

Blue Spring Ride: B
I've said it before, I don't typically do Shojo stuff. Something about this struck me. Decided to watch and was fed a sentimental story about love lost and refound and learning to love again. Very touching and pretty cool how they re-united almost as strangers.

That is all that HAS ended... there are actually a couple other series that will be ending this week or the next before the new season kicks off last week in September... I think first ep of the new season is on like Sept 28 or so.. I've picked up, or should I say, slated myself to watch probably 10 new series... This fall is going to be busy. I'll post up the other ratings once the shows finish... 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sword Art Online 2 Episode 11

So I'm pretty much an SAO fanboy and I'm not ashamed to admit it... This was a good ep IMO and I look forward to the next as usual. Now for that recap..

Sinon and Kirito are still hold up in the desert cave trying to analyze the situation. Kirito comes up with a pretty convincing hypothesis... So, Death Gun isnt working alone... From the way he sees it he must have a partner that moves around in the real world while the DG avatar gets into position in the game. Like he cant just shoot someone with the handgun that kills until the partner actually infiltrates the Avatars IRL house and readies some kind of poison. The little cross gesture he performs when he shoots an avatar is to check his watch so they can synchronize the killing IRL.

Kirito and Sinon have decided to gamble next time on using Kirito as a decoy and Sinon will do what she does best and thats be a sniper. Tho they arent sure about DG abilities because his rifle is also powerful and has a silencer. Seems like its going to heat up from here and I am rather excited to see what happens...

At one point I had the first 10 volumes of the GN translated into English but a tragic HDD failure literally took 3TB worth of information from me.. I literally lost like everything I had been accumulating for nearly 10 years.. Makes me sad but there would be no way to have backed that stuff up... paying for online storage upwards of 3TB would have been quite expensive. Oh, well... win some and lose some... live and learn right?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Manga Extravaganza!

So I changed my morning and evening commute to reading manga now... I didn't realize how much I really needed to catch up on... not to mention the series that I've followed and never read a single chapter...

Like I just finished Aflame Inferno... Great story but the author like quit half way through to work on another project.

Minamoto-kun Monogatari - Current up to Ch 137
Baby Steps - Current up to Ch 230
Akame ga Kill! - Current up to Ch 52
Aiki - Completed and started reading the Sequel
Aiki-S - Up to Ch 9
Girls of the Wild's - Current up to Ch 152
Fuuka - Current up to Ch 29
Nisekoi - Current up to Ch 137
Horimiya - Current up to Ch 40
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi - Current up to Ch 581

There's actually more but im not going to list them all...

Go >>Here<< If you want to see my full history of what I've been watching and reading lately.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sword Art Online 2 Episode 9 and 10

I love SAO... The best anime IMO and this season 2 thing they got going on here is just about as good as the first was. Maybe there will be even more coming... we have to wait and see... On with the episode!

So it ended on a cliffhanger last week with Death Gun finally showing up... Show picks up right there and keeps on moving. They have a little face to face with Death Gun and he vanishes. Ep 9 ends with Sinon now staring down his barrel... Things look grim.

Episode 10 starts and in just the nick of time Kirito manages to save Sinon from being shot and takes off running... Sinon, who IRL has a problem with guns due to a trauma from 5 years ago, now starts to have the same problem in game... shes freezing up and is so scared she cant even pull the trigger. Death Gun gives chase and they manage to elude him to a desert area and hid in a cave. Sinon has a breakdown and it appears that Kirito now has someone else to protect... Isnt he noble?

Monday, September 1, 2014

INVADERS of the ROKUJYOMA!? Episode 8

Yay... finally a Yurika episode! Wait... what? You don't like Yurika? Ehh, its ok, I don't either. It's not really that I don't like her it is just that her character is so weak. She's supposed to be a Magical Girl but seems like its a feat if she can walk straight.

Anyway, one of her enemies come and transfer into the class. Yurika spends most of the episode trying to tell her friends that shes an enemy but who the hell listens to her ever? So yea, she tries to fight her at the end but the girl had kidnapped Sakuraba-senpai and holds her hostage. The MC and the ghost show up to save them but it ends with a cliffhanger that poor Yurika might be dead.