Wednesday, August 13, 2014

And now for some mobile gaming

Who here has a smartphone? Huh..? C'mon, put 'em up if you've got an Android or iOS powered device. I'm sure probably 95% of people reading this were raising there hand if not 100%. Mobile gaming for me mostly consisted of my 3DS for the last 6 months... I mean, I dabbled in a few games here and there. 

Some were social like the whole '... with friends' line of games. There is some TD type games, thats Tower Defense for those who don't know, like Field Runners, Anomaly Warzone and even the infamous Plants vs. Zombies is considered a TD I believe. Lately tho... It seems I stumbled into a whole other genre altogether. Seems its called 'combat strategy'. 

Clash is still fun, but I find myself drawn to a game very similar but set in a time thats more to my liking... It's called Samurai Siege. I feel like I kind of wish I could meld the 2 games together because there are some really nice features in Siege that I would love to see carry over into Clash of Clans... Like a training queue, and yea I know that each building has their own but I'm talking about a universal queue that divides the building up evenly among all the open barracks. Also they let you select and entire row of walls and upgrade them all at once instead of each individual wall section. 
Making a long post short... cuz I probably could go on and on for a bit... Download and play this game. At least give it a try.. And if you like Clash then I think you'll fit right in

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