Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Huge Catch Up! And I think I'm ready for bed...

So I'm pretty sure I just watched about 6-10 episodes... MARATHON STYLE! I didn't get a chance to post about it but I'm on vacation. Me and the fam decided to go camping. Can't imagine what in the world they were really thinking when they came up with that one but we went none the less. Sadly, it was cut short as I had a foot injury. I didn't want to leave tho... I was trying to have us stay so the kids could have fun. Seems they were ready to go home tho too... Should've seen how happy they were to get some Wifi in their lives. Truly a hilarious event.

So I watched like everything that was building up over the weekend. That may not sound like a lot but Saturday is a pretty big day for me... All of my favorites air then. SAO II, Captain Earth, Aldnoah, Rail Wars, Mahouka and Akame ga Kill.

SAO moved the chains and kept the backstory and character development continue.
Captain Earth leaves you in suspense as there is a cliffhanger.
Aldnoah had a nice big turn of the tide so to speak.
Rail Wars is quickly becoming one that I look forward to every week.
Mahouka is doing what Mahouka wants and still kicking ass.
Akame is just that show... I can't put the manga down and the show is the same way.

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