Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bladedance of Elementars

Episode 7 is out... Well, I guess it's been out for a couple days. I just got around to watching it...
Decent enough episode. No serious plot development but then again this show is majorly for fan service. I have to say I don't mind that. Well, on the to episode. Maybe I'll just give the major points...

  • Kamito figures out where he knows Fianna from.
  • Rinslet tells Claire how to make her boobs bigger in exchange for being allowed to join them on the mission to the mining town. Clair gets embarrassed... (classic)
  • The Sylphid Knights head to the Mining town as well to investigate but end up getting more or less annihilated but the new "Demon King"
  • The gang shows up to help and they join the fight
Thats kind of the way the show ends. Not a bad ending... You do get to see Restia goading the 'New Demon King' Jio to prove hes worthy of the title.

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