Friday, August 1, 2014

Gundam 00

This series is a lil old I know but I'm just getting around to really watching it. I think I started it probably about 2 or 3 times and never got past episode 7.

... Not this time!

I had forgotten how epic most Gundam shows are... This is a great story with so much depth of character and great plot twists. It even made me get Season 2 prepped and ready to go for when I finish this up. 

I'm nearly done too... I just finished episode 23. Man I hate that mercenary dude... the one who made Setsuna kill his family when he was a kid. Someone needs to kill him and soon!

I really feel bad for that Saji kid... First his girl gets blown up by the ignorant bitch of a Gundam Meister who is just jealous cuz they had money... Second, his older sister dies from that Mercenary because she learns too much... Hes just a sad sad soul. 

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