Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nisekoi 4

Episode 4 in Nisekoi revolves around a home study session at Raku's house. Ruri decides to try and make a chance for Onodera and suggested it. She was hoping they'd have more alone time but the whole gang came instead. Everything seemed to be going well for them but Chitoge buts in and makes Raku look stupid... HAHA he curses her.
Chitoge actually asks Onodera if there is any guy that shes into... This causes an immediate response from both Raku and Onodera. Its funny to watch Raku back pedal out of these situations and she only meant is like in a girl talk kind of way. When Onodera says that she currently doesnt have anyone that she is really into at the moment, almost instinctively Chitoge answers the same way. Then she realizes what she just said and her and Raku try to cover up the mistake. While the chit chat continues Shuu asks them how 'far' they've gone and it
prompts Raku to drag im from the room and spill the beans about the fake relationship. Shuu confesses that he pretty much knew already and was just interested in teasing. 

The yakuza in the house summon the couple to the back of the house and end up throwing them into the store room to try to help them 'make progress' in their relationship. Unknowingly Chitoge is very afraid and shows a frail side
to Raku. He takes notice that shes really a girl. All this time hes been ignoring her because of his feelings for Onodera but he sees her as 'hot' for the first time. They actually get into a funny lil fight about whether or not they've kissed or been kissed. Its cute in a way and then she gets ahead of herself and falls over on top of Raku and they have a 'moment'. No kiss happens but its damn close and completely interrupted by Claude. Onodera does see their 'almost kiss' and hauls ass outta there... Raku cries.

Later at home, Chitoge exits the bath and her 'friend notebook' is open on her table, turned to Rakus page. She decides to write something nice about him inside instead of the derogatory statements that were there.

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