Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kimi no Iru Machi 260

Its the second to last chapter and as i thought... Reunion time. I kinda figured
it was gonna happen but i really wasn't expecting what just happened. He gets back, has a few drinks with his bud and then takes a chance to visit the place of their promise... the top of the hill where the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. He gets there and he has a moment... shes not there... Some blossom petals blow across his face and there, as if in his wildest dreams... Yuzuki is standing there. That day from a year and a half ago flashes through his mind and, as if she'd known all along... she says, "You're late..." He can't help but well with emotion. She continues, 'We're finally watching the cherry blossoms together' with tears streaming down her face. As he rushes to embrace her... he holds her close probably squeezing with all his might... All he can muster is an apology. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry". The Chapter ends with her welcoming him home.

Although i was taken back by how quickly it came about, this chapter contained everything i thought it would. Knowing Seo Kouji (the author) like i do... I've read alot of his stuff... im almost positive now that we're gonna get a good ending and probably a time skip ahead with kids or something maybe. They deserve it, its been a long road... Nearly 6 years running, this has been one of my goto Manga almost every week. I'll be sad to see it go but anxious to see what comes next. 

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