Witch Craft Works 5
Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil 4
Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda 4
Witch Craft Works - Another amazing episode... Super happy this one's following the manga pretty closely. So Kagari and Takamiya are going to live together and Kagari comes to fetch him from his house. His sister is none too happy... She has a brother complex it, i think i mentioned it before. Anyway, they head to the Kagari household. Huge mansion.. They take the elevator to her room but greeted by statues and the witch Medusa.
Kagari is knocked back into the elevator, through the doors and turns to stone. Not wanting Kagari to die, Takamiya takes the pill given to him that one time and a Lady in White appears. Evermillion: The White Princess. She helps him to revive the stone Kagari and she subdue's medusa.
Kagari's mom put out a call for all the Workshop Witches to come immediately and you see a group show up at the school. Takamiya sees and realizes how many there are.They end the episode with Takamiya's mom welcoming Kagari to their family.

Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil - The case this week is about a Wud who has murdered 15 people so far and appears to have no remorse whatsoever. Cecil doesn't want to work on the case but is reminded that its their job to protect the rights of wizards regardless of the crime. When they goto interview the prisoner he taunts Cecil and also asks about her hair accessories. Thought it was random but it comes up later. The brother of the defendant has a theory that his brother suffers from a mental disorder that would make him inculpable for his actions. They almost get away with it but the red haired brother more or less slips up with their defense by mentioning that her hair charms saved her and him. He by all counts, if he was sick like they claimed, should not have known about her hair accessories from her Father. She confronts the brother to find out that they were after Cecil the
whole time and then he attacks her. During the fight Cecil's magic has another awakening
(thats her 3rd if you're watching) and she can now control sand magic apparently. She trashes the brother and he gets arrested. Afterwards they are celebrating in the office about a job well done and Cecil cant help but wonder about their motives and why were they really targeting her.
The episode ends with the brothers seemingly tied up on the floor talking with someone asking if what they did was good enough. The man they are speaking to says it was perfect.
Sekai Seifuku - Bouryaku no Zvezda - So i wasn't a fan of this episode too much this week so i'm going to keep the recap short as i almost fell asleep during it... It's gotta be pretty bad for me to fall asleep during an episode of a show i've been watching.

Anyway, Natasha sleepwalks into Asuta's bed... Don't know why but he's punished for that. The power goes out during breakfast. The reactor runs on some vegetable that they grow in the basement. They go to get more but they're all dying... Larger trouble... the parent root must be in trouble... TO THE CATACOMBS! They trek through these underground tunnels and traps to fix the parent root all while learning Natasha's backstory. I think thats what it was... It was a backstory episode that i wasn't interested in. I guess it wasn't all terrible but for some reason i just couldn't focus. The pistol and stamen thing was kinda funny and Roboko comes and saves Natasha from her past. All ends up just fine and they go home...
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