Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nourin 4 (No-Rin)

The opening for this episode shows Ringo staring in a mirror tryin to make herself smile. It appears the field was attacked overnight and everyone has opinions about the cause. Its more or less decided that a wild monkey was
doing it. The gang forms a small committee to deal with it and take turns thinking up ways to stop it. I like Kousaku's... hes got like a mini-gun that shoots fireworks. The idiot lights it and nothing happens so Minori like a dumbass looks down the barrel and gets shot by all the fireworks. They ultimately decide to hire an Otaku-looking guy as a hunter to shoot the monkey. The monkey gets captured... and sent to a zoo, case closed there.

Kousaku begins to wonder about whether Ringo is enjoying her time with them. He goes to Minori's room and asks if he can come in and talk. She

completely misunderstands and gets the room ready to do the deed
(if I didn't say it, shes really in love with Kousaku). Kei shows up to help discuss and she gets all pissed... funny shit.
They try multiple ways to make her laugh or 
smile but it all fails. Ringo confronts Kousaku about what they're doing and he asks why shes always so serious. She reveals that she can't smile. During her work as an idol before they told her her expression was stiff and over time she couldn't summon any expression at all.
Kousaku has a weird dream about Wakkadonna as Gaia and not to forget what humans have done to her. He says he's going to take her 'you-know-where'. Its a field that they have inherited from the previous club. The soil there is dead and unfertile from having the same plants grown in it season after season. He explains that it might take a while but it will eventually go back to normal. She seems hopeful and asks if she can eat a tomato... Even though she calls it bitter she still eats it and with juices running down her face... she smiles.

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