Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oretama UPDATED!

Haven't posted about any manga in a while and this one kind of just snuck on me. It's really hard to describe the story because it sounds kind of weird and its a lil ecchi... well, alot ecchi actually but i don't really mind that. So here goes...

The main character is your typical 20 something loser virgin you'd expect in this kind of situation. But there's a twist. The Queen of Terror is sealed away in his right testicle. Yes, i said it... Testicle. See... according to the contract between heaven and hell, god was to give the earth back to the devils in the 7th month of the year 20XX. And that month is now... As the queen gets to earth she is sealed by an angel. She was supposed to be sealed into a magic ball... however when the sealing happens, our main character is pissing on said ball. Hence why she ends up in his right nut. Still with me? Ok, so now the devils have to find a way to make this poor boy, this virgin, ejaculate. He has no problem rubbing one out usually but now he has the entirety of humanity to protect... Can he hold out and not let one go? Thats basically the manga in a nut shell...

Now, i've read about nearly 30 chapters or so and its damn funny. This poor guy, i feel so bad for him and i have no idea how he resists. I know i couldn't. Not even close with all the shit they throw at him. Hes abused to no end and assaulted from every side by devils and even the girl at his job who he's in love with. Yea... the normal chick is a super slut nympho when she gets drunk and it seems she cant stay sober when around him. He does do some questionable stuff to her... but still... shes over the top with her desire after a few drinks.

Its not complete yet so I'm pretty sure its gonna end up on my list of reading mangas... like so many others. There just isn't enough time to update with what i read.

UPDATE: Just finished this... Ending was good enough i guess... the over the top ecchi was still funny even til the end. I gave this a 7/10 I'd say. Definitely worth the read if you like ecchi comedy.

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