Friday, February 14, 2014

Silver Spoon S2 Ep 6

I have to say that I'm really glad i started watching this show. It's a little off the beaten path if you consider the subject matter... Nourin is the same way if you think about it... But they lay the slice of life on pretty thick with this and it keeps getting better.

Basically they pick up right were ep 5 left off. Hachi has collapsed and its purely because of fatigue. He worked himself to the bone more or less and wasn't taking proper care of himself. At the hospital he runs into is parents and has a very awkward conversation with his father about his school choice. Breaking his glasses when he fell, his mom offers to go with him to get a new pair before he heads back to school. He gets angry and leaves his mom in the cab. 

Back at school... they are running full force for the festival. There is a human v horse Banba race as well as a jumping event from the Equestrian club. The Human v Horse was funny. Tamako said she'd give 5000 yen in food vouchers if they win. Then whips them... with a whip. 

After getting his glasses he tells the sales rep to donate the rest of his change to the charity box in their store... BAKA! How are you gonna get back to school... Walk bitch! He ends up walking all the way back to Ezonoo and finds himself standing in front of the horse pens. One of the club members tell him to attend the after party and he goes all gloomy like he don't deserve to go... She whacks him good. 

In the clubroom he runs into Mikage... Shes starting to love Hachi, you can really tell now but he thinks she turns away because hes worthless... in reality shes hiding her embarrassment. She gets all excited about all the work they did for the festival and about how no one visited him because they didnt want all the work he did to goto waste. She even sits down next to him and tells him good work. She
shows him the notebook that they had and how they left it out during the even so people could write down their thoughts and everything about the even and the show that was put on. 

Crazy that this was kind of a touching scene for a guy who was basically only good at studying and now has all these people looking to him and supporting him. He just doesnt know how to deal with these feelings... He breaks down and cries. Then the gang all find out hes back and fry up some potatoes.

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