Thursday, May 29, 2014

Black Bullet Episode 8

Rentaro is now... A teacher?! Hehe, thats the way the episode starts. Hes teaching what looks like a class of Cursed Children on the outskirts of District 39. The leader of the Tokyo Area, Seitenshi, pays him a visit... Grave news.... 

Monolith to be destroyed in 4 days!

Apparently a stage 4 latched onto and is now destroying one of the Varanium Monoliths that protect the city from the Gastrea. It spits a corrosive acid that is eating away at it and it will turn white and lose its effect in 4 days. There are some 2,000 smaller Gastrea gathering outside the Monolith waiting to attack. She wants him to put together a team to battle the Gastrea for 3 days while a new Monolith is finished. 

Tina accompanies Rentaro around as he looks for other Civil Officers to recruit for the team. They detour and he spends some time showing Tina around. They visit a few shops and hit up a crane game. In the end they face a team, and have to beat them for them to join... Was there a doubt? Rentaro and Tina win in epic fashion...

Overall a good episode. Sad that this will be ending in a few weeks.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Nisekoi ep 20 - The End

Sadly everything that has an beginning also has and end. Reading the manga I knew it was coming but I wasn't sure how and at what part they were going to do it. It was surprising true to the manga for the most part which is pretty awesome on its own.... That is before it turns into filler.

It's Showtime... That's the name of the ep and as it implies the show must go on. Kosaki out and Chitoge in at Juliet for the play and looks like they're gonna just wing it. Haha, fun to be had for sure... Especially with Shu up in the main booth narrating and ad-libbing all kinds of sub plots to make it more interesting. 

Of course Claude has to show up and cause a ruckus and seems like Marika has a last ditch as well.. All in all, the comedy of this ep is spot on and doesn't over do it. We also get some self realization from Chitoge who finally admits to herself that shes head over heels in love with Raku. We all seen it for a while, but shes thick headed... she even says it out loud, albeit to Raku's Romeo character, but that's just pretense. Shes telling Raku that she loves him and we all know it. 

I wonder where this show will go from here... I didn't see any kind of announcement about a season 2 or anything, but god knows there's enough material... Just where would it go and would it accomplish something the manga hasn't for quite some time... PROGRESS! I'd love to see the triangle continue but bring in some closure... Its been 120+ chapters now and he's retarded around anyone but Chitoge... He turns to absolute useless mush for Kosaki and he doesn't even see Tsugumi as a woman it seems. He's just too thick headed.

All we can hope for is a "To be continued..."

Thursday, May 22, 2014

No Game No Life and If Her Flag Breaks

Sadly, it's been a week since I've posted and I really didn't mean to be away that long... Work is just a pain sometimes and when I get home I don't just hop on the computer. It's usually family time and then later on when they all go to bed I stay up a lil later and watch and play whatever I want. That being said, there were some really good episodes this week... 

  • Black Bullet is getting better and better. 
  • Nisekoi is sadly gearing up for the final episode next week. 
  • One Week Friends is still and enjoyable lil slice of life romance. 
  • Captain Earth is still the most surprising for me... I did not expect the show to be that good. Especially with that premise... The whole save humanity kind of thing.
But I'm making this post for the sake of No Game No Life and If Her Flag Breaks... 

I think that Flags was relatively weak this time around... Good ep, and Souta learns alot, but now he can't get anymore because looks like the girl has been tampered with.

No Game No Life was good but they spent the who episode in dialogue. The previous king lost on purpose to an insanely strong Foe so he could learn the secret to the game. He did and they find a secret room with the info... Sora is now fired up to take on the challenge. Can't wait for more.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

No Game No Life ep 6

This show just can't stop being awesome. Getting more and more into this every week.. i can already see myself reeling when it ends... Please god let me find out there's a half way decent manga behind this.

So the battle with the Flugel is a go and its epic... They're playing Shiritori, but a special kind, Materialization Shiritori... The things you say appear and disappear. How does Sora start the game?...

BOOM! Shit is funny... They go back and forth as you might expect with the outcome being clear before it even started. [Blank] just doesn't lose when it comes to games. So in accordance with the pledges... Jibril (thats the Flugel's name) now belongs to Shiro and Sora. Haha, on a side note, during the game... they actually KILLED Steph. 

Now that it's over... and im sad it is as you could expect... Gonna go watch "If Her Flag Breaks" and probably "Hitsugi no Chaika".

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Black Bullet ep 6

This new Arc is really heating up... Tina and Rentaro meet up again and seem to be getting along well... Tina gets a new target and ends up running into Rentaro as he tries to save his boss, and love interest as it seems.

Shocked to find him an enemy and not an ally, Tina flees the scene. She takes another run at the head of state and fails... but Enju decides to go after her alone. Last minute clilffhanger has Rentaro calling Enju to return and regroup... but Tina has her phone. What happened to Enju? Is she dead?


>Enju can't die, of that I'm sure but she can be badly hurt. So I'm eagerly awaiting next weeks episode now to see how things turn out. 

>Typical setup has Rentaro dishing out the killing blow on little Tina. Has more of a dramatic effect if you consider that he thinks of her as a friend right now and not an enemy. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

All Finished!

All done! Finished watching the other 3 episodes that I didnt get to finish last night. 

Captain Earth ep 6 - This show is actually better than i thought it was going to be. Oddly enough as well there doesnt seem to be a romance tag on it even though it looks like one will develop. Good story about saving humanity from extinction and this episode moved that plot along and even brought some back alley dealings to light. 3/5 from me.

Baby Steps ep 6- The tennis wiz kid lost his match... What you thought he'd win? If you said yes then you've seen way too much shounen anime. Anyway, he lost but learned alot and the coach sees massive potential in Ei-chan. As some one who's read 200+ chapters of the manga (its way way waaaay past this) I can say that I really hope this gets made into a series type deal. Like season 1 2 3 etc. The story is interesting and shows what hard work can really do. 4/5 on this episode... Natsu is kawaii! (spoiler: Ei-chan is crushing on her)

One Week Friends ep 6- Pleasant story about a girl with psychological trauma about her friends that causes specific memory loss. The small lil group of friends are now out in the open and speaking to eachother in class (they were keeping it a secret on the roof for some reason) and they make a trip to Fujimiya's house for a study session. Seems some need to take a make up quiz and if they dont improve, be humiliated. Fun stuff. Also Fujimiya's mom meets secretly with Hase to explain some more of the situation. 3/5 for this episode and i think its gotten to where i stopped in the manga.

After Thoughts
All in all, it was a productive week. Nothing truly standing out about the episodes this week... Unless we factor in GAME OF THRONES!! HAHA, ok thats not anime or game related but it was an AWESOME episode this week. 

Yatta! Sort of anyway..

So the last post was a lil ambitious. I thought i could watch it all.. I ended up coming up short. 3 eps to watch and i need to hit the hay. 

Baby Steps
One Week Friends
Captain Earth

Those are the ones i need to watch now... Ill just pick up where i left off tomorrow and finish them off. Also though, is the premise of new anime to watch simply cuz its monday. I don't know what gets released on Mondays off the top of my head. Look forward!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bout to Run Thru it!

So here we are... Sunday night. I've watched Nisekoi, Mahouka, The World is Still Beautiful, and The Kawai Complex last 2 nights. I'm about to watch everything I can til bed... 

Date A Live II ep 5
Akuma no Riddle ep 6
Seikoku no Dragonar ep 6
One Week Friends ep 6
Gokukoku no Brynhildr ep 6
Baby Steps ep 6
Captain Earth ep 6

Really looking forward to Dragonar and Brynhildr. Baby Steps should be good and Captain Earth is starting to get good. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

So It's Been A Week... (cough) Or so..

Been pretty busy with work lately and of course being a dad... Kids are always fun... I suggest getting some. But even though I've been busy I still managed to keep up with the anime schedule this season. I'm even finding on some nights that I don't have anything left to watchy and im looking for stuff... Typically makes me watch either older shows, rewatch some of my favs or read manga. I do think that Manga has won lately... Alot actually...

But just so you know... Here's a list of what I've been up to.

No Game No Life ep. 5
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to The Animation ep. 5
Hitsugi no Chaika ep. 5
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) ep. 5
Blade & Soul ep. 6
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara ep. 4
Black Bullet ep. 5
Captain Earth ep. 5
Gokukoku no Brynhildr ep. 5
Baby Steps ep. 5
Date A Live II ep. 4
Seikoku no Dragonar ep. 5
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep. 5
Nisekoi ep. 17
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei ep. 5

Stand outs for this week... 
No Game No Life, Black Bullet and Mahouka. All of these eps were excellent and are moving the story onto bigger and better things.

NGNL - Character intro @ the end of the ep... Onward to Victory!
Black Bullet - Assassination attempts by a cursed child!
Mahouka - FINALLY some real action. Glad this Arc is getting underway.

Also, as I said, I've been reading alot of manga... Picked up a new series that I'm reading. Its a lil off the beaten path... especially with the GORE tag on it but I think its good. 'Kinda reminds of Kenichi' was something a reviewer mentioned in their review and it hold true. The name is...

Akame Ga Kill! [MAL] [Batoto]

Based on a sword fighting country bumpkin who gets robbed on day one in the big city. He is picked up and taken in by what appears to be a noble young lady... Boy was he wrong...

I really like it and its interesting... Does there need to be more?


Ok... There's action, comedy, a hint of romance. Everything you need. Wish there was better to watch

Thursday, May 1, 2014

No Game No Life 4

Enjoying this show more and more...

So the end of the game... and of course they win. They had to for the story to progress but still, they won in a weird manner. Like the enemy king just died or something. Odd as it is, mission accomplished right?


At the coronation they are told that they can't both be King and they decide to fight to see who wins the prize. Sora and Shiro however cannot beat eachother and its like forced to a tie. They realize however that no where does it say there cant be 2 Kings. Now they're Co-Kings more or less. 

Their coronation speech is pretty inspiring while condescending at the same time... Like we're weak so we're smart... Lets win! Fun stuff. I can't wait for the rest of the series... The goal changed to Conquer the World i believe so its going to get more interesting from here on out.

They also got to meet God again... turns out he pulled them there because he hates to lose and Shiro beat him god in chess. Funny how that goes.