All done! Finished watching the other 3 episodes that I didnt get to finish last night.
Captain Earth ep 6 - This show is actually better than i thought it was going to be. Oddly enough as well there doesnt seem to be a romance tag on it even though it looks like one will develop. Good story about saving humanity from extinction and this episode moved that plot along and even brought some back alley dealings to light. 3/5 from me.
Baby Steps ep 6- The tennis wiz kid lost his match... What you thought he'd win? If you said yes then you've seen way too much shounen anime. Anyway, he lost but learned alot and the coach sees massive potential in Ei-chan. As some one who's read 200+ chapters of the manga (its way way waaaay past this) I can say that I really hope this gets made into a series type deal. Like season 1 2 3 etc. The story is interesting and shows what hard work can really do. 4/5 on this episode... Natsu is kawaii! (spoiler: Ei-chan is crushing on her)

One Week Friends ep 6- Pleasant story about a girl with psychological trauma about her friends that causes specific memory loss. The small lil group of friends are now out in the open and speaking to eachother in class (they were keeping it a secret on the roof for some reason) and they make a trip to Fujimiya's house for a study session. Seems some need to take a make up quiz and if they dont improve, be humiliated. Fun stuff. Also Fujimiya's mom meets secretly with Hase to explain some more of the situation. 3/5 for this episode and i think its gotten to where i stopped in the manga.
After Thoughts
All in all, it was a productive week. Nothing truly standing out about the episodes this week... Unless we factor in GAME OF THRONES!! HAHA, ok thats not anime or game related but it was an AWESOME episode this week.