Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Weeks Worth...

So... really busy and haven't had time to post like I've wanted to... But as always I've been trying to keep up with all the shows I decided to watch this Season.

Full recaps... Ehh.. to many to post so I think I'll just post what I watched. Starting with today..

Sword Art Online 2 Episode 16
Yona of the Dawn Episodes 1 and I started 2
Magimoji Rurumo Episodes 1, 2 and 3
When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace Episode 3
Your Lie in April Episode 3
Trinity Seven Episode 3
Nanatsu no Taizai Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Episode 3
Gundam Reconguista in G Episode 4

Is that a lot? I'm not exactly sure but I'm feeling lazy and dont really feel like writing and typing out synopsis for all these... I know... maybe I can just keep it short? Ill try...

SAO is SAO... Always awesome and today was no exception. Yona is kind of Historical and there is some drama and betrayal. I think I'm gonna like it. Magimoji I picked up on a recommendation from MAL for something else I was watching. Kind of funny with some ecchi going on, typical shounen. The Supernatural Battles was ok this week, kind of just moving the story along. I think I need to finish watching Your Lie in April... It said I didn't finish the episode but could have sworn I did. Trinity is getting into gear and their ecchi jokes are funny. Nanatsu no Taizai is something that I'm actually reading right now and I'm watching just to see how they deviate from the source material. Daitoshokan is a cute little show and this weeks episode didnt really move the plot though. Gundam is... ehh.. I don't remember but I liked it.

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