Saturday, October 4, 2014

Madan no Ou to Vanadis Ep 1

Madan no Ou to Vanadis!

Alright! Another new series! Seems like a great setup for this show.

Opens to a battlefield where almost all have died. A lone marksman (with a bow i might add) stumbles onto the enemy general with only 4 arrows left. He thinks that if he takes her out they will be less likely to attack them again...

2 arrows used to take out the front guards and the last 2 to actually kill her... That... doesnt work so well. She cuts the arrows in two before they hit her and takes him prisoner. Fade out to find him in the enemy encampment and he finds that she is infatuated with his skill with a bow and wants him to serve under her. Some ecchi parts occur and she seems to dig it... good premise to start a story.

Story has promise and although not completely original there is enough subtle singularities that it can  stand on its own. I'm sure I'll be watching this one from now on.

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