Sunday, October 19, 2014

Your Lie in April episode 2

This show has just recently piqued my interest. I was reading the manga a while back but seems like its not translated as fast as I'd liked and I was wondering what kind of show it would make.... The answer is? A good one. The pacing is good, you feel bad for the MC as more of his past trauma is shown... You also get a good look at the love interest here... Shes more or less everything that Arima is not. Yin to his Yang so to speak.

The gang (Arima, Tsubaki and Watari) head to Kaori's Violin Competition. Arima is caught off guard because Tsubaki lied about where they were going... she knows about his phobia and didn't tell him on purpose, she knew he wouldnt have come. When Kaori comes up she kills the performance but in her own way... Bad for the competition but awesome thing to witness. Seems Arima falls in love with her after that performance but cant tell her because she like Watari. Love can be so complicated. Watari, being the playboy he is, tells Arima that hes skipping practice to spend time with another girl. On the way home, Arima runs into Kaori and instead of telling her about Watari he makes up an excuse to BS her not to go check on Watari... What a wing man... She appoints Arima as his replacement and thats how it ends.

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