Monday, October 6, 2014

When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace ep 1

New Anime! New Anime!
HAHA, wasnt even interested in this and it popped up on CR today. I had 20 minutes and this was pretty entertaining. I find it funny that its a shounen show but the male lead seems like a total tard. That, and his power is so completely useless.

Premise: Literature club in a high school somewhere. Girl opens the door to find a boy in full Chuunibyou right there on the floor. Always funny. He's going on and on about his powers and what not and the rest of the members arrive. Hes demostrating in front of all of them when he suddenly awakens to the power of controlling a dark flame. Fast forward 6 months and they've all got super powers... One can control time, another has dominion over the 5 elements. The lil girl can basically create anything she wants in any material. And the president of the club can actually heal anyone or put anything back the way it was... Sadly... hes still stuck with the stupid dark flame that doesnt even burn... it's pathetic.

Their club is assaulted by the student council who only reveals herself as another holder of superpowers when Andou (male lead) bullshits his way out of their 'inspection' by the student council. Turns out all the nonsense he was spouting was actually true by a strange coincidence. She wants to duel and turns out her power is to steal other peoples powers. Andou volunteers not knowing that and she steals his power... he cries like a bitch. The rest of the group now know not to show her and the prez deals with her mano-a-mano in a physical battle. Also, the prez is a black belt in Judo and Karate. Super funny...

The poor girl who was trying to steal the powers really just wanted someone to talk to about it because she was all alone and confused when she awoke to her power. Apparently someone told her through an anonymous text about the people of the Literature Club and her surveillance started from there... The show ends with some guy literally hanging upside down from a tree.

Although I had no inkling of what I was getting into... I may continue watching.

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