Monday, October 27, 2014

Akame Ga Kill Episodes 16 & 17

So I forgot to watch this last week and here we are with another release.. So I'm all caught up and I really wonder how far they are going to take the show. The manga, to my knowledge, is still going and it's a pretty interesting story. I have enjoyed it the whole time... I'll admit that in the beginning the premise was a little crazy and they gore was over the top but it fades away and the story is what matters.

Episode 16 has them facing off against Kurome's minions... They all kind of get one to deal with... Hell, Tatsumi gets 2. They pull through of course but at what price? Lione loses an arm but her and Akame nearly kill Bols, the flame thrower imperial arms user. They break it so he blows his tank and disappears. Najenda kills her old mentor. Mine shoots the cowgirl looking assassin and blows a hole through the giant frog. Susanoo, thats Najenda's humanoid imperial arms, uses his special move to go all super saiyan and kill the giant danger beast corpse. Then they all confront Kurome, who manages to escape.

A small time later, Chelsea... the new member of Night Raid, assassinates Bols and assumes his form to chase after Kurome. Her attempt at killing Kurome fails and the 2 remaining puppets murder Chelsea. Lubbock, who is told to get reinforcements by Chelsea, makes it to the gang and Tatsumi and Akame are sent after her. They follow the trail of blood all the way to the capital where Tatsumi finds Chelsea's head on a spike in the center of a courtyard surrounded by commoners.

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