Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Another Game? Maybe?

So, 2 posts ago I asked what game I should buy. Without actually replying… Sorry. So, after much deliberation (amongst myself mind you), I decided to go with Destiny: The Taken King. Here’s why…

First up… The amount of people I currently play online with. I share games through Xbox One with my best friend Mike. This is very beneficial for both of us. He gets the games that I buy digitally and I get what he buys digitally. He’s got 3 kids screaming to play the Lego games all the time so he buys them and my son gets to play them. Now, I know what youre thinking, how’s that affect me. He loves Sci-Fi… Is a nut for it… So I thought he’s play with me… BZZZT! Wrong, he wont… but that’s ok with me. You can play Destiny alone, and so I do.

Second… Time invested. I actually, at this point have 3 characters that are hovering 1 or 2 levels around level 30. Granted that its now 40 with TTK expansion so I’ll have to work harder to catch up. Plus I just like playing the game. Yea it’s a year old but there’s no dust on it and it looks like they are changing things and adding just enough to truly keep it interesting.

Thirdly… The other choices were just not as strong. They were good but I think this had more content at the time and I didn’t want to pre-order anything at the time. I know I put them in for a possibility but I leaned more towards what was out right now.

So… in closing… ONWARD TO VICTORY! Or… push back the Darkness… or Time to get to 40! The MMO feel of this Sci-fi shooter add a whole other dynamic that I really like. I mean who doesn’t like to feel accomplished when they get to level up that new exotic weapon or blowing away 3 guardians that were capping one of your points in the crucible. 

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