Thursday, September 3, 2015

Manga of the Week!!!

So if you’ve been reading this blog for a while… that is to say maybe the 10 or so people who visit it… Then you probably know that I read a lot of manga. I think that there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t read at least one or two chapters a day. Whether that be a long running series that I’m catching up on or if I run across something that catches my eye… Whatever it may be, I’m always going to be reading something.

It might have been a while since I really posted about a manga I read but here goes.
While skimming my list of manga that’s in my app Mangawatcher [Link]. This app is not on the play store anymore so if you’re gonna use it then you have to side load it to your android device. I’ve looked for a while for something of the equivalent on the iOS side of things but there really isn’t anything that truly comes close. Manga Rock is probably the closest but I just don’t like the way its setup. Anyway… On to the manga!

This week I started and completed something that’s been sitting there for a while now.

[MAL] [Batoto] <~~Read it @batoto ^_^
Genre:  Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Harem, Supernatural
Synopsis: About a boy... Well and boy and an angel. He's in love with the schools #1 cool beauty while being completely unable to approach her. An angel pops into his life to help him with his love situation and its her goal to help him fall in love. The story and hijinx ensue and its a fun whimsical little tale about first loves and how people need to gain courage and confess.

This is a really great story. I'm not biased on story length but I think this is just long enough to get invested with the characters and for the story to properly develop. It got decent user ratings on both of the sites I linked. 4.47/5 on Batoto and 7.56/10 on MAL. I personally gave it an 8/10 on MAL and 4/5 on Batoto. 

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