Thursday, September 3, 2015

MMO News

2 little bits of info for today... I guess technically they are both related but not related. Both involve MMO's that are going free to play.
Thats right... In the not so distant future, Wildstar Online will be going free to play. Although this isn't what you would call breaking news, I still think it's relevant considering its going to be happening soon from what I gathered. 

So apparently Guild Wars 2 is now ALSO free to play... Though for the life of me I simply cannot get an account registered. I'm not exactly sure why either. I've changed the registration information like 3 or 4 times trying to make it adhere to whatever kind of parameters they have set and it just wont take them... Maybe I'll try again another day.

Thats it for the news... not that I do it all that often. Maybe just more when its relevant. But in truth I've wanted to try both of these MMO's after being a long-time WoW subber and nearly played that for about 10 years off and on. Well... 7 years straight and then after I quit I had small times where it piqued my interest again and I would find myself a subscriber again. All good though... I'm really not sure that I'm going to be picking up this latest expansion of WoW as I really have no time to play the game and devote the hours and hours on end that a game like that needs. But never say never... the world is a strange place and I've seen stranger things happen and me resubscribing and purchasing an expansion for to get a gander at some new content.

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