Monday, September 28, 2015

Returning to Work

So, I'm not sure if I mentioned it previously, but I've been home from work for a month now. Nothing serious like I got fired or anything... I was hurt while at work. Not on the clock mind you, but in the vacinity while on lunch. Some of the roads in Philadelphia are just not good... and as well as you try to navigate, sometimes it just don't happen. One such day, I stepped on some uneven pavement and rolled my ankle to the point it seemed fractured. Which is what the doctor actually diagnosed me having. The doc told me to stay home but I didn't want any trouble at work so I tried to goto work anyway. This didn't work out so well. The boot I was prescribed really didn't work well and made most of my activities painful. So, I took some coworkers advice and applied for STD. That's not sexually transmitted disease... its stands for short term disability. During which my pay would be taken care of @ 75% my normal rate. This isn't half bad, but I wouldn't be eligible for any type of bonus for this month... seeing as I wasn't there participating... In a nut shell, they're paying me 75% my hourly to stay home and rest.... Well, it's ending. Tomorrow I'm officially back to work. I hope this house can get along without me... I know the wife would've loved me home a little longer considering we just had baby Ethan on the 13th.

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