Tuesday, September 8, 2015


This is not a new series but I finally got around to finishing it on Crunchyroll. Its only 13 episodes but I really think that the source material has a far way to go... Plus they kind of ended it with a huge opening for a second series. I don't think I've heard of another season being produced tho. Guess I'll just have to start reading the manga if I really wanna find out what happens. 

The show is basically about... I'm going to paraphrase here... A group of genetically modified humans that set out to Mars in hopes of capturing 'specimen' to help cure a deadly disease on earth that was brought back from the last expedition to Mars. 

The Good: Action sequences and Animations were great. The types of genetic alterations were kind of cool and not something you'd think of. 

The Bad: Not really enough plot development IMO. I know they tried to touch on some of the more significant characters back stories but it's kind of a fatal flaw when you only have 13 episodes to deal with. If they had the full 24-26 episodes then maybe things could have been fleshed out a little more. They tried to make us care for them but they died anyway and the story just kept moving. 

Nothing really ugly about this show other than its pretty violent... That only made me more interested because I dig stuff like that but I know that aspect could turn some people off. Granted they aren't killing 'people' but they are humanoids.

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