Sunday, June 22, 2014

Weekend Anime Review

So... Sadly... a number of anime is ending either this week or next week. 
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - This show was probably one of the most light hearted romances I've watching in recent seasons. Sadly, they never actually get to the romance between Usa and Rit-chan but its kinda implied that although he's had a thing for her the entire time... shes slowly coming around to reciprocating. This last episode kind of delivers the feels but you just... really, really want them to get together. If they make it to season 2 then they HAVE to end up together... that would be dicking around with our emotions too much.

Nanana's Buried Treasure - Ended on Thursday, this anime started off a lil' shaky but quickly became something I looked forward to every week. Just enough action and adventure sprinkling in small hints of an impossible romance... 3 way romance on top of things, that would make it complicated. They did leave this with a lot of room to open it up and I wouldn't really be surprised if there was a 2nd run of this. I liked it and would welcome the next season with open arms.

Blade & Soul - This show has one episode left and I'm anxiously awaiting its conclusion. Although skeptical at first (I mean really... an anime based on an MMORPG that hasn't even been released yet), but the art style is awesome and this story isn't terrible. The story premise is good but has a lot of holes and is a bit vague. The main points are easy to follow and its moving the plot along quite nice... Just hope they explore more about why Alka and Jin are polar opposites and what brought about the slaying of her clan/master to trigger the vengeance path for Alka. I'm the kind of guy that likes lore and stuff like that and we just weren't given everything... Whether or not they make up for it in this last episode only time will tell...

Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara - Technically 2 episodes left... This seemed like a typical harem/shounen gig but they whole seeing flags and having power over them is a pretty cool dynamic. Plus, up til recently he's been this gloomy kind of anti-hero who doesn't want the attention. Now he wants to make things better... that is, til he disappeared. But... only Nanami remembers him. What twist or turns await these last 2 episodes...

>>Eps to Finish<<

  • Dragonar Academy (Downloaded)
  • Akuma no Riddle (Downloaded)
There are a few more... but I'll just save them for another post... Plus I wanna talk about the shows that are continuing on through to the next season. Those are pretty good too..

またね...  (Matane)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Upcoming Season... Winter 2014!!!

Lots to talk about here... Been keeping my eyes peeled for new things coming down the pike... There are of course some staples for me... Let take a look shall we...

1. Sword Art Online 2 - This is probably the most anticipated show for me. I was absolutely in love with the first season of this when it aired and I've been chomping at the bit for a part 2. After the movie, which was kind of a recap for the most part they announced that there would be another and I couldn't be happier. S1 is easily one of my Top 10 anime of all time for me... So I have high expectations for this.

2. Akame Ga Kill! - I've been reading this manga for some time and even though it can get a little gruesome at times (it is about assassins afterall) the story speaks for itself. This one is shounen through and through... A Battle manga where the MC keeps leveling up by training and hard work. Classic premise and awesome execution. I really hope the show does the manga proud and delivers on that promise....

There is actually more i wanna see... But I think I'll make this a multi-parter and talk about some here and there. Cant wait.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Black Bullet 10

I've been watching this faithfully and its really a good show. There are some crazy things tho that happen in it that might not sit well with some people... Like, the treatment of children. Now, I know they're "Cursed Children" and all.. and supposed to be a threat to humanity because they have the Gastrea inside them... but the things they do to kids in these episodes is nuts. 

Latest dastardly deed... Blowing up a school. Rentaro and Kisara are acting teachers in one of the outskirt schools for the Cursed Children. They seem like good kids, genuine and fun but just not blessed with being normal. So what do the Anti-Cursed Children extremists do? Use a Varanium laced bomb to kill all the kids. Its nuts... Fuel for the fire I guess, because Rentaro is all about vindication and I think hes going to get justice for those kids... I mean, just the day before when they were in class he had them fill out one of those 'What I wanna be when i grow up' kind of surveys. The act really hits when he's identified the bodies of the girls and goes to sulk on the roof. He takes out the surveys only to let them be blown away by the wind. Just sad...

Bad part is... the Monolith comes down at the end of the episode AND its a day early. Now the next ep will be a rush to defend against the swarm I'm sure. Can't wait to see what happens next week.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

And for some non anime info...

I mentioned at the outset that this wasn't going to be all anime all the time. There would be some other interests like Manga, TV, Movies and of course Games. 

What I wanna talk about now is...
This game... it almost feels like I need to post a 'Dat Ass' meme picture to describe it. First off, I don't own a Wii-U at the moment, although I see one in my near future and I am absolutely positive I will be purchasing this game to go with it. Not in recent year has a game been so much fun for the whole family. My best friend brought over his Wii-U and we were all sitting around playing 4 players the whole time... Laughing, joking... I have to get one and if you have a Wii-U and don't have this game then get on the ball.

Also be on the lookout for..

Something else I'd like to ask about is another game that just released...
I stopped playing MMOs last year when I cancelled my World of Warcraft subscription. I had been playing that for nearly 7 years and poured alot of my time into that game. I have like 8 lvl 85 toons and a lvl 90 before i stopped playing... Mind you... if you know anything about WoW then you'd know that lvl 90 is the top lvl you can get and 85 was the top from Cataclysm. I didnt level any of my toons except for the one I made with Pandaria. A pandaren monk that I took all the way from lvl 1 to 90 when the expansion hit. A lot of work... and very monotonous.

So, have you played any of it? Beta or Live? (it launched the other day) And how do you like it?

Brynhildr in the Darkness 10

Terrible foreboding at the end of the episode. Valkyria, and S-Rank witch is finally being sent out to capture Kuroha and the rest of the gang... we'll get to that in a second...

So Nanami dies... The memory changing witch. They pop her beacon right near the beginning of the episode. She said shes fine with dying because they'd remember her but she erases their memories anyway. BAKA! Poor Murakami doesn't get that luxury. He cant have his memory erased, she knows this and implants herself into his brain so that he knows all that she knows. 

The finals come up and they all study hard.. so he can take them to the beach. Funny, Kazumi said if she gets #2 after Murakami that she wants his virginity as a prize... Flash forward... she ends up 3rd... he takes 2nd and Kuroha ends up in 1st. She said she also wants 'A virginity'... no idea what she means. 

The reward for their test scores is a trip to the beach. They all seem to be having fun and promise to come back. 

Now, back to Valkyria... as an S-Rank witch they say she cant be controlled. The man claims that shes been sent out and he will take responsibility... They zoom out to her on top of a hill being happy shes out... when she turns around it looks like she's killed a group of people. Things don't look good for the MC and his witches.

Captain Earth 10

For the first time... Daichi actually fails to subdue the planetary gear before it launches... Where he drops the ball, Teppei picks it up. The new Mech that hes driving, the Nebula, is pretty bad ass. 

The new girl, Lieban, is all about speed and thats why Daichi didnt beat her but Teppei pulls some ninja shit and stabs her Kiltgang through the torso.
 Also seems that the doctor that Lin (Lieban) was seeing has another girl with her who has a pet just like Hana has Pitz. This could get interesting.

Tonights Lineup

Put 4 on the docket for tonight... 

  • Seikoku no Dragonar
  • Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
  • Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
  • Akuma no Riddle
All of these were Episode 10. Some are nearing a close like Akuma no Riddle or Seikoku no Dragonar. Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei is nearing its half way mark and lucky for me Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou is undetermined at this point for how many episodes there are going to be. 

While I will definitely be sad to see Dragonar end... Akuma no Riddle has been an odds out sort of thing for me. Mainly because its not the kind of show i typically watch. Female leads... Anything with 'Ai' at the end of it when it comes to a genre for me is usually off limits. This one is two girls no less... Shojo Ai.

Think that about does it. I still have a few episodes of Baby Steps and this weeks "Captain Earth" which shouldn't take me all that long to watch... but with a house full of kids it's about finding the time.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Date A Live II 9

So this show is about to end... I'm sad for that cuz its been pretty decent this whole way and the end of this ep... 


Shido has a sword through the chest... 
Is laying on the floor dying... 
And about to get his head chopped off...

All of a sudden... Tohka spazzes and her spirit powers Invert...

Thats how the episode ends. Really...

I like this show and I can speculate how its going to end... Tohka is going to go crazy and her power, having inverted, is going out of control. Shido has some power of his own and like in the first episode of season 1 hes going to regenerate. I'm sure its gotta end good, so Shido has to save Tohka. He's going to seal it... her inverted power that is. All's well, that ends well probably and I'm not mad at that. Seeing as though it made it to a season 2 I wonder if they can press their luck and make it to season 3. TBH I don't know much about the source material, like if its from a manga or a graphic novel... In truth I don't know if they have that much content to make it. 

But... I hope so, and like a few posts ago... to be continued. 

Busy Busy Bee

The last week has been... 'Catch up, catch up, catch up'.. and guess what? I did! Caught up so that every show I'm currently watching is up to date with the latest episode...

Hitsugi no Chaika - 7 and 8
Akuma no Riddle - 8 and 9
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to the Animation - 8 and 9 watched
Nanana's Buried Treasure - 7 and 8

>>Current Eps<< (watched)
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii - ep 8
Captain Earth - ep 9
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - ep 9
Gokukoku no Brynhildr - ep 9
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - ep 9
Date A Live II - ep 8 and 9
Blade & Soul - ep 9 and 10

Also... Akuma no Riddle ep 10 just downloaded. Will watch that tomorrow.

AAAAANNNNDDD... on top of all that, I've been reading manga on the train again! This is a very good thing, because I'm also behind a shit ton of chapters for alot of the stuff I've been reading. So I'll just give a rundown of where I'm at with what I've been reading...

Nisekoi - Chap 124... 125 just downloaded... Reading in Progress
Fuuka - Chap 17 (You really need to read this...)
Hantsu x Trash - Chap 52
Minamoto-kun Monogatari - chap 125
Baby Steps - Chap 220 (Been reading more than watching!)
Dragons Rioting - Chap 18
Wagatsuma-san wa Ore no Yome - Chap 82

That may feel like a lot... But, it's actually not. I just have a habit of starting and stopping things like this so I've got to stick wit it... Plus MAL lets me keep track of all that.

In other words... if you like anime/manga get a MAL account. I even got an nice lil android app, Pocket MAL that lets me update my lists on the go. Very helpful for those 35 minute train rides in the morning when I knock out like 5-10 chapters that were built up.