Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Anime Episode Updates

Witch Craft Works 4
Buddy Complex 4
D-Frag 4

Witch Craft Works - This show is so much fun. The comedy is subdued and the action isnt over the top... well, not yet anyway (I read through ch 25 of the manga and it gets crazy). 

Kasumi makes Takamiya  miss the bus and the rag tag band of Tower Witches decide to divide and conquer after a suggestion from Ms. Schwarz. Their plan fails however cuz Kagari is OP and Kasumi (yes Kasumi's actually a witch) throws down Kuma v Usagi style! (thats Bear vs. Rabbit if you dont know those words... lrn2japanese noob). Also... Kasumi has a total brother complex and its kinda funny watching her get all jealous/possessive over her onii-chan with the princess. Considering the situation... Kagari proposes 24/7 protection a la princess from here on out (Kasumi's gonna spaz)

Seems that Chronoire has some more in store for Takamiya and has her familiar round up all the Tower Witches in the town for the next plan. The episode ends with the Chairwoman (Kagari's Mom and head of the workshop) getting a call telling her that Medusa has escaped. Can't wait til next week. This show still holds top IMO for the new stuff this season.

Buddy Complex - I'm liking the dynamics of this show the more it goes on. Now we're seeing how people interact having to deal with the circumstances they're handed.

Ep starts with the Cyngnus crew heading for Narashino (Aoba's home town) for repair. Captain grants Aoba permission to have a look around the town, followed closely by Mayuka. They visit places of his memory... His house, his school.. All are pretty much gone. He realizes the finality of the future hes landed in and the all he loved is gone... And with no where to return to, he decides to stay and fight with Dio and the Cygnus crew. 

Apparently on the Zogilia side of things... Man what kinda name is Zogilia? Anyway you get a glipse at Hina's punishment... They suspect her and her in the brig. 

There is a civilian ship with SOS being attacked. They end up saving Dio's family and solving the mental block keeping them from coupling. They escort Dio's family ship to the base at Chitose and Dio gets to see his sister an father. His dad seems kinda strict and cold

D-Frag - This show is rivaling Seitokai Yakuindomo for comedy IMO. This gang of idiots make so you cant look away.

The club tries to pick a new name for their club... only to find its an official name already exists, Game Creation Club (Provisional). Haha... its like their backups by nature... Anyway, continuing... 

Kazama and his delinquent friends run into a local gang, The Band of the 14 Devils... This bunch of pansies play rhythm games at local arcades.. Like thats a gang activity... Nerds! HAHA. Funny thing... they beat up Kazama and his crew and kidnap them. The Vice Prez runs and tells the club whats happened and they all take off to help (they're playing "The Scramble for Porn Mags in Space" when he comes and Takao is tied up and forced! lol). They also try to disguise their leaving as 'need to pee'... haha.

Kazama wakes up in a warehouse with the idiot gamer gang when they raid his bag and find the Porn Mags game. These idiots spend the rest of their time trying to figure out teams to play the game, 4 players is required. The gang appears and wipes the floor with the delinquents. The end...

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