Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kimi no Iru Machi (A Town Where You Live) Ch 259

Kimi no Iru Machi
So I've been reading this since the beginning almost and its one of my all time favorites... Its ending. I'm not sure if i should be sad or happy about this. There were too many twists and turns and seriously at one point i was so mad that i almost decided to stop reading it. I did watch the 12 ep anime they made for this and it was pretty good overall but there is just way too much content...

So this latest chapter they time skipped ahead... Haruto is now at his job for 3 years... I think thats nearly 2 and some change they skipped. I'm not exactly sure, but the beer that he came up with is a huge hit. So big that the company is going to go national with it. Adaichi (his mentor at the company) comes back from a meeting and they go out to have a beer. Next day he finds out that she spilled the beans about Haruto being the one who came up with the beer and he should get the credit and the promotion... Along with a transfer to the main branch in....? TOKYO! Yay right? So now the stage is more or less set for him and Yuzuki's reunion.... and the chapter ends on that bombshell.

Soo... Alot up in the air with these last 2 chapters. People are kinda in a uproar about this... Some hate Yuzuki all together and hope that now shes married... Some said that maybe Yuzuki was pregnant when the breakup happens and hes gonna go there to find out he has a kid... Too many rumors and speculation. I guess i really just can't wait to find out how this one ends.

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