Monday, January 27, 2014

Hamatora 3

Super powered detectives... Whats not to love? 

This ep is good and sheds more light on the serial killer thats hunting down the minimum holders. The job this time is to find scandal at Facultas Academy... A school for people with Minimums. Murasaki investigates Academy officials while Nice stays back and cleans the bar. Inspector Art goes and sees a psychopath (hes revealed as being the killer in an earlier episode) and at one point is so frustrated and filled with rage thats hes got his hands around the killer's neck. The contractor this time finds out that her son has obtained an ability (dude just transformed into some bigh purple) from the same guy thats murdering people with minimums. The son is subdued by Nice and the murderer mumbles that Nice was the #1 scorer in history at the academy and current his existence is classified. 

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