I guess im again speaking from having read the manga, but this show is pretty great. Chitoge always plays the Tsundere act which is pretty fitting. Whenever Raku hits her with a gorilla woman though he gets his ass handed to him.
So the act continues... That is them being in a relationship. The both hate it but know its for the good of the town. They were tryin to keep it secret but guess what... Cats outta the bag and the whole school knows. Claude (Chitoge's Guardian) is still very suspicious of them and spies from the windows. Talk about tiring. Raku's mortified, he likes Onodera, because he thinks she'll never know about his feelings. Also, Onodera drops her key and Raku sees it... She lies again about it saying its a house key. Raku also has a breakthrough about how hes been treating Chitoge and realizes shes kinda like him in a few ways. He offers to help her with her awkwardness.
Onodera also over hears them talking in the classroom about Chitoge not being his real girlfriend and it being a 'performance'.
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