Thursday, January 30, 2014

Productive Day...

First thing... on a side note. My son was quite sick and i didn't get to watch much last night on account of him throwing up and having a fever... So while at work... with not much going on i was able to catch up on a few episodes... Most of which i thought I'd be posting about last night... ONWARD!

-Hamatora 4
-Seitokai Yakuindomo 4
-Space Dandy 4
-Wizard Barristers Benmashi Cecil 3
-Z/X Ignition 3

Recap - I'll try to stay on point... Lot to cover here.

Hamatora - The crazy serial murderer is back, this time he burns his house down. Intro 2 new minimum holders... a young girl and some big beast of a guy. She can apparently see 10 minutes into the future and he's... well, they
dont talk about his but hes strong, like tears the roof off a car bare handed strong... maybe they'll elaborate more later.

Anyways... the group perform in promotional safety video for yokohama area and then argue about its content... lol, actors have it rough. This week's case revolve around teenagers committing crimes with
guns.. Apparently they answered a question online and a gun got delivered, but theres a catch. They either attack a nearby convenience store or participate in some insurrection, place TBD or die. 

The little girl, with the 10 minute future seeing ability gets nabbed at the airport and beast mode saves her. Nice figures out where the guns are coming from and how they are getting picked then the girl uses her ability to figure out where the 'insurrection' takes place with another suggestion from Nice. The serial killer strikes again and walks off... See you next time..

Seitokai Yakuidomo - The prez from the neighboring school gets wet
while walking on the street and Shino lends her a gym uni while her clothes dry. To be honest... this episode is all over the place. The comedy never stops... from gag to gag and innuendo all over. Too much to comment on. No one single theme here. Ill just post come of the screen caps. Theres talks of dil**s and all kinds of things. I dont think i've seen more sexual innuendo in a show than this. Its fine because is works with the story and how they play it out just sometimes its like they're going too far. I know, I know... you really CAN'T go too far so enjoy. 

SpaceDandy - Zombies! Haha.. this show is great. So Meow gets bit by what they believe to be a new alien species (actually a zombie version of
what they think it is) he turns into a zombie. Dandy don't know whats wrong and takes im to a hospital. At the hospital Meow has no vitals... hes dead, but still moving... They keep him for observation and overnight he kills the whole hospital... ZOMBIES! He don't even realize at first that the whole hospital are zombies until the lil robot tells him. Oh, and some mercs from they evil guys chasing him show up and become zombie chow real quick. Also... lol at the fact that QT turns into a zombie too. I mean, its a damn robot... how the hell do you make a robot a zombie? Unexpected but still funny. I love how he thinks he gets away
on the helicopter but the pilot is also a zombie! No one LIVES! Heh, they spend the rest of the episode talking about the rest of their lives as zombies. Way to commit to a episode plot... Even down to him claiming his own life insurance policy because hes dead... LMAO at the zombie hunter becoming a zombie. Talk about zombie apocalypse. 

Wizard Barristers Benmashi Cecil - This ep revolves around a 2 year old case that ended in the death of a Wizard (Masato) 
who used magic that resulted in the death of a human. Hachiya is MC here and he WAS human 2 years ago and the prosecutor on the case. The girlfriend of the wizards sentenced to death kills someone (the man who setup the case 2 years prior). She told the police she wasn't saying a word unless Hachiya was the one to represent her. You can kinda tell shes hiding something. Cecil becomes the helper for the case and they uncover the truth about the whole incident. They actually win the verdict they're looking for and get Mayu life in prison instead of the death penalty. Hachi holds a huge amount of guilt over the case from 2 years ago and he helps Mayu escape provided she only take her
revenge on him... She lies of course and tries to kill the people in the courtroom who she deems responsible for Masato's death. In the struggle shes shot and killed but leaves Hachi with clues to the bigger picture...
On a side note... random fanservice!

Z/X Ignition - Last but not least we got z/x ignition... the battle of Sieger v Fierte continues but broken up but by Rigel and Azumi. Asuka's inexperience as a partner shows when he cant help Fierte fight. Azumi faints from seizure and appears to have some kind of disease. The end up at Cafe Broccolo (Asuka and Mikage's job). While Asuka ends up taking Azumi home Fierte devours some sweest. Azumi opens up a lil to Asuka during their 1 on 1 time
but never reveals her and Rigel's mission... They do go into their backstory a little revealing the nature of Rigel and Azumi's relationship and what they're there for. Meanwhile, Fierte and Mikage take a bath and Ayase and Sieger try to celebrate christmas... Ayase is cold man. The ep ends with a new Z/X user showing up to blow a hole in the dorm looking for Fierte it seems...

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